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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. It looks to me he is wearing biege shorts. Not naked. But otherwise a disgrace.
  2. There is a video, which the Swiss doctor kicker took himself.
  3. A sudden attack of diarrhea doesn't care if you're 20m or 2m away. You have no choice. Eight pages into this story, and we still don't know anything about the man's condition and what prompted him to do what he did. I cannot imagine anyone would willingly humiliate themselves like this.
  4. Thailand may be corrupt. But Vietnam is on another level, much higher. So there is much for Thais to learn in this "strategic partnership."
  5. Sometimes, it doesn't matter where you are. https://nypost.com/2023/09/07/passengers-onboard-diarrhea-plane-share-ordeal/
  6. Man is being humiliated for being unable to control his bowels. Newcomers here especially shouldn't go out without first preparing with a dose of Imodium.
  7. Drunk is drunk no matter where you are, but in Thailand it's especially dangerous with the holiday starting.
  8. If the military dictators in Myanmar are finally kicked out and the democratic government restored, then bring in Myanmar as part of the Nato alliance, sitting on Thailand's doorstep.
  9. Philippines are part of the frontline of defense already. Forget Thailand, because it is on the other side already.
  10. The one guy who apparently is operating a junkyard in his front yard would likely be causing a higher chance of liability for neighbors or anyone unfortunate enough to live near him.
  11. Turning a swimming pool into an open air concrete pit just might be enhancing the hazard, I'd think. Would much rather fall into water accidentally than hit solid concrete ten feet down.
  12. Perfect example of why you need to be careful in Thailand. Watch where you walk, avoid loose dangling wires, keep an eye out for crumbling concrete, and never mind safety standards. These spiked fences would make their owner liable I'm guessing in a lot of countries. But here it's up to you to look out for yourself. Same thing with the 80cm rails on balconies.
  13. I must admit after looking at the photographs in the article that those people pictured should have had their insurance cancelled. Would hate to live nearby their homes.
  14. If you think Thailand has issues with environmental contamination, now, just wait until the Chinese infiltrate the country more thoroughly. They have utter disregard for the lives of people if it makes them even the tiniest of profit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_safety_incidents_in_China
  15. Yep, gambling, the thing that has made Sihanoukville the sewer it is today.
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