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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that Bitcoin is, god help me, for real. It's been out there for over 14 years and seems to have penetrated into the financial ecosystem. I've always thought of it as digital tulips, and I preferred gold and silver. But the latter never seem to really go anywhere, which is why I bought miners, which are even worse, as it turns out. It might be time to start looking for an entry point, just to have a little, just in case.
  2. If you thought the checkout lines at 7 Eleven were long before . . .
  3. Getting more and more mobbed up down there every day.
  4. Has the Russian woman had her visa revoked and been blacklisted? Need to have exactly the same treatment for her as for the Swiss doctor kicker, who got what he deserved.
  5. So far, the Swiss doctor kicker story looks to have been accurate. So, too, the Swiss grocery store assaulter. Now, we have the two New Zealanders and the Russian woman. At least as things stand, the Thai media record is pretty much accurate and intact. The spitting motorcyclist/skateboarder/would be assaulter is the only one I haven't seen an update on.
  6. At least it was a Thai who won the big lottery pay out this weekend, instead of a falang. Whew!
  7. BTW, remember last year when the Chinese embassy complained about the nationality of its citizens being mentioned in crime news stories? And then an edict went out to prohibit the mentioning of nationality? What happened to that?
  8. Russians, Swiss, and New Zealanders trying to see who can act the most primitive.
  9. Happy I don't do my extension until late August. People doing it over the next few weeks better step lightly. No exasperation, no loud rants, no questionable gestures.
  10. Happiest person out there is probably the 41 year old skateboarder who spat on a Thai womans windshield and tried to abduct her out of her car.
  11. What authority do they have to do this? And it's not "disarming and subduing" but stealing a police weapon and physically assaulting a police officer.
  12. Forget to mention the 41 year old guy who plays in the middle of the street with his skateboard and who slammed on the brakes stopped his motorcycle in front of the Thai woman and then spat on her windshield and tried to pull her out of her car?
  13. This is not a reading culture. Even the universities don't use textbooks.
  14. In their late 30s, living a purposeless life on family money. Just the type of trouble you would expect of low IQ people of this sort.
  15. Two narcissistic privileged children from a filthy rich family who think they can buy their way out of trouble. They're probably able to do so on their home turf. Same attitude as the Red Bull kid.
  16. I've never even come close. Might as well take the money I spend on lottery tickets and buy bitcoin instead.
  17. These weren't Jews running from the Gestapo. It was a couple of guys running away from a traffic ticket and who escalated things to the point that they were holding a gun on a Thai policeman. There are other, smart ways, to handle a situation where you think you are being robbed (of which there is no evidence in this current incident). But a smart person would have acted like the Taiwanese actress a year ago, who paid the bribe, then went public, and got results: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/six-thai-police-officers-indicted-for-extorting-money-from-taiwanese-actress/ This is how a sane, high IQ person behaves.
  18. Yes. They have a sense of entitlement, obviously. Thought they could buy their way out with a bribe, like some sort of mini-Red Bull. Might have worked had it been done in the dark, without video. But this is blasting all over Thailand in every sort of media.
  19. No wonder they thought they could bribe their way out of the situation. From another article linked on to that one: "Their parents, millionaire business and property owners Laurence and Katrina Day, have asked for calm and privacy in the aftermath of the high-profile incident which saw video emerge - and broadcast on Thai television - of disturbing scenes." https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/watch-parents-of-kiwi-brothers-arrested-in-thailand-speak-as-video-shows-fight-for-control-of-cops-pistol/6CJNBFDOGFHVDB5IRKHJEICKMU/
  20. A couple of guys who did just about everything wrong that could be imagined. Thailand needs to invade Phuket and reestablish sovereignty.
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