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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. When you total it up. For my wife, her 87 year old father, her sister, her sister's daughter, her two brothers and one brother's wife, plus a niece living with them who just turned 16, that's 80K they already felt they had in their pockets. They were all big PTP voters, except my wife. They are feeling robbed. In fact, my wife called me from work to tell me about it, and she is so angry I literally could not get a word in.
  2. So I guess he's not coming back this time. Interesting fellow who dominated the headlines as no policeman before. He was good at creating a likeable image and when in charge of immigration perhaps the best ever at PR.
  3. Probably needs to be an overview of which offices do and don't require them. Either that or always get one just in case. I was just at Chaengwattana for extension renewal yesterday, and they didn't require the statement, although I had it ready if they had asked.
  4. Yes, it says that on the Google overview. I'm just wondering if her Wiki is being scrubbed of "damaging" information. She might be considered a US citizen! She damn well might owe US taxes. Should I notify the IRS?
  5. I just looked her up using Google. Her overview says she was born August 31, 1986 United States. But you go to her Wiki page and it says she was born in Bangkok. Which one is true? Is there some online scrubbing going on?
  6. Poll numbers only matter if there is an election.
  7. Yes, that is a good point. Also medicine and that medical care which is otherwise delayed due to waiting periods.
  8. Or: "Billions for me. Nothing for you. Not even an electricity discount."
  9. Harris has a plan for price controls on food and groceries. "If you like your food, you can keep your food." https://finance.yahoo.com/news/what-kamala-harris-will-say-about-grocery-prices-when-she-rolls-out-her-economic-agenda-114008227.html
  10. Bring back the only PM candidate possible for stability, unity, and prosperity: Prayuth.
  11. I wonder what a Chinese consumer item tidal wave will do to something like Zebra Kitchenware. It is legitimately one the best made products not only in Thailand but elsewhere. I have lots of their stuff. And few things compare.
  12. Maybe they can thread the needle. Get just enough stimulus out there to jump start local businesses not called 7 Eleven. People could use the money wisely to improve their own home efficiency and access to employment. Foreign investors will like what they see so much, they'll push and shove to be the first one to build new plants in Thailand. China alone could send 80 million tourists. And Putin could work out another one of those chickens for oil trade schemes that will favor Thailand growth. Could happen. Yep. Could happen.
  13. A lot of people on here haven't figured out that Thaksin is anti-Western and pro-China. Prayuth was pro China, too. But Prayuth still managed to split the difference better than PTP. I think a lot of people just might have their shiney new lax visas jerked from under them.
  14. Lots of unhappy families when 3 or 4 members, father, mother, sons or daughters, don't get the 30,000 or 40,000 they were promised. PTP has set themselves up nicely for this disaster.
  15. Maybe these specifics. Tax remittances. Worldwide income tax. Foreign condo ownership. Digital wallet pouring money into CP's pockets.
  16. Good. That means he won't be creating any mischief for foreigners.
  17. Not until I get through my immigration appointment tomorrow morning. I hope.
  18. Prawit's okay. If I can't have Prayuth, I'll take Prawit.
  19. The next time you see a Thai man with a square head offering surgical masks to foreigners, you'd better take one.
  20. Just when you doubt it, it turns out you can build a better mouse trap.
  21. Here's the thing. I don't care about what you think. I know what the proposals mentioned. You're the one in for a surprise. Not my problem.
  22. Srettha has overhauled a lot. If nothing else, he turned Phuket into a Russian colony.
  23. You hinting at a revolution? What exactly do you mean "no action by the people."
  24. Overwhelming arrogance or overwhelming incompetence. No in between.
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