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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Free Urhs! From the villa steps to the sea!
  2. Is this going to be a way for countries under sanctions, such as Russia, to acquire parts and repair to American aircraft they've seized and which cannot be otherwise serviced?
  3. The article refers to a couple of apologies that were "not sincere." Swiss guy "stormed" out of the police station. Had to be calmed down by a senior officer, before coming back in and making another insincere apology.
  4. This events described in the newspaper are frightening. Sooner or later he's going to hurt somebody seriously.
  5. That is pretty damning. No wiggle room for a "misunderstanding" or "accident" at all.
  6. If this had been Chinese, the Chinese embassy would have gone nuclear.
  7. Interesting photo. Ritual humiliation, which may not be too bad of an idea, as the two policemen look on and laugh.
  8. So would I if the same cost of living and prices came back with it.
  9. Watched the first two episodes. Cinematography is dreary, full of gloom, and washed out. Seems like they've shot the scenes so they fit the subtitles, instead of the other way around. Lots of yacking. And the characters seem faceless. Some guy named Cosmo is in Richard Chamberlain's role of Balckthorne. And non-entities in Mifune's role as Toranaga and in John Rhys-Davies' Rodriguez. Chamberlain, Mifune, and Rhys-Davies were bigger than life characters. The Cosmo guy looks like he's selling perfume on TV.
  10. Any follow up on this? Does this story have legs? Or is it just a New Zealand only thing?
  11. It's always the nighttime temperature that determines comfort, at least for me. I can pretty much take in the daytime highs, even to around 42 or 43. But when the temp fails to go below 28 or 29, with high humidity, like last night in Bangkok, it can feel sweltering.
  12. Need to streamline entry for Russian mafia and Chinese triads. Don't know where the poor ole Indians fit in.
  13. Because Thailand is anti-Western and increasingly anti-American specifically. Thaksin has been solidly pro China/Russia. And Thailand wants to join BRICS. People don't want to admit it, but Prayuth followed a much more nuanced and balanced foreign policy.
  14. Or not. This is not your grandpa's US Navy.
  15. Did Thailand actually think all that excitement over exporting durians, chicken, and timber to China would be a one way street? Meanwhile, The utter surprise that China cheats. Not to mention organized crime coming in through the open visa entry program with China. Haven't seen a word about triads since Chuwit went off to die abroad. My bet is they are hip deep in this stuff. Thailand will never get them out, now. Or the cheap Chinese goods and customs evaders.
  16. What are the differences? I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just interested to know how you think the average tourist to Malaysia acts differently than the average tourist to Thailand. I know some laws, such as those regarding homosexuality, make a difference. But what else do you see?
  17. Maybe they go there for the same reasons I and the soi dogs do. For a dallop of aircon when it's hot outside.
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