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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. If the hotels also require a negative Covid test, and the Chinese come in with Covid, where are they going to go, if their hotel doesn't allow them to check in?
  2. Doesn't this create a dilemma? If Chinese are required to test negative before getting on a flight to return home, what happens when they test positive? Where do they go? Can't go to the hotels, because that requires a negative test, too. So, does this mean the return of quarantine facilities and paying through the nose if you are unlucky enough to catch covid while in Thailand?
  3. Just where will people getting a positive test result be treated? Do they go to a hospital, even if showing no symptoms? Does "insurance" pay for that? Do they return to the hotel they just left? For Chinese tour groups that might mean bunking up double with the tour group following them who just checked in. Is there a tent city for those testing positive? Is that a "treatment?" At least the Chinese will be used to that. Or does everyone just squat at the airport until they test negative?
  4. Hard to tell really. Things change here literally overnight. Proof of shots would be a catastrophe. Cannot imagine they'll really do it.
  5. Well maybe it'll be some good news for some people. Covid extensions might just make a comeback too!
  6. Yes. Rules just changed. You can find them on the Bangkok Post. Don't see anything on Aseannow.
  7. Bangkok Post reports that Thailand will once again require proof of two covid shots for all visitors. Also health insurance is required of all visitors whose next destination requires a negative antigen test. And what of us who have had two or three shots in Thailand and the app that used to display the record of our shots no longer works???
  8. So Thai Pass 2.0 is here. Must show two covid shots and have insurance if flying on to a country which requires a clear covid test.
  9. Yes, it's always better to choose confrontation and the possibility of your heated arguments going viral making you a marked man. Especially if you're on a golf vacation where 200 baht is the difference between life and death. Who knows, with a little luck you may make the news like the fellow chased down and killed by a taxi driver with a samurai sword a few years ago.
  10. A couple of hundred thousand out of the five million expected? Easily could happen. In fact, Chinese hospitals are so overcrowded with no availability that I can see some Chinese coming to Thailand in order to get treatment. Yes, people with just a cough and fever can overwhelm any country's medical system, if they come here to take advantage of the "insurance."
  11. Not even a month in the country, and the Russians are already cluttering up the streets and begging for handouts. To think, these guys probably got the water cannon treatment on their arrival at the airport, with smiling Thai girls welcoming them and eagerly counting the money they would spend.
  12. I don't know why people are laughing at your post. The clear implication is that all arrivals will need to have insurance so as not to discriminate against the Chinese who will be required to have insurance. And if so, that means there will need to be a system to check whether arrivals have the necessary health insurance, coverage amount, and, probably, have it issued through a Thai insurer. All that seems to imply more paperwork to get into Thailand, maybe not a new Thai Pass but certainly some means of verification. That is something a lot of people simply will not go through and they'll go somewhere else.
  13. It's one thing to move on, it's another to import hundreds of thousands of patients and overwhelm the medical system so that your own people cannot be taken care of.
  14. And without him, none of this would have ever seen the light of day.
  15. So, if no special measures will be taken for Chinese, does that mean Thailand is going to reimpose mandatory health insurance for everybody? Because I thought health insurance was now only recommended, not required.
  16. According to The Thaiger, Indian tour groups are cancelling "in their droves."
  17. One man singlehandedly trying to save his country from occupation and exploitation by triads and mafias.
  18. No. A generalization. Americans tend to be shower prone. Some people from certain European countries very much less so.
  19. China is only letting people in for work, study or business. Nothing about returning tourists.
  20. So, I'll bet the media will still manage to give the nationality of Europeans and Americans. They just will not be able to discover the identity of Chinese and Russians. No news then becomes no crime.
  21. Hope readers click on the link for the full story. It's brief but devastating.
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