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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Lots of screaming on Twitter as people lose from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of followers that were, it seems, just originating from bot farms. Their inflated bot numbers meant money to them.
  2. There was a major bot purge yesterday on Twitter after the announcement. People at Twitter trying to hide their trail before Musk takes over.
  3. Yes, KL number 1. All you digital and corporate nomads, you go there. Have better time, I promise.
  4. For Mr. Sekar, it might have been worth the price of the phone to let the robbery go and keep his picture out of the papers. Imagine his friends back home will have field day with this.
  5. Bangkok Post has a much better picture of the Russian showing where he was "groped."
  6. It did. India sent a message saying they will not condemn Putin's annexation of Ukrainian territory. I don't care about China, which is all but a declared enemy, which has its own problems with the status of Taiwan. India is the country the US is trying to feed state of the art weaponry, undertaking join maneuvers with along the Chinese border, and giving preference to in work visas in the US. What is the average Indian's attitude towards Biden and the US? Look at the comments section that is part of that Times of India link. They are solidly pro Russian and pro Putin.
  7. How do you figure this? The vote was to condemn the annexation not a question whether to support it. And India refused to say annexation is wrong. This is a vote that should be remembered the next time India asks for a permanent seat on the Security Council or wants to complain about China annexing its territory.
  8. From the same OP: And, of course, India supported Russia by abstaining on the Security Council vote. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-abstains-on-unsc-resolution-condemning-russian-annexation-of-ukrainian-regions/articleshow/94575345.cms People need to wake up and see that India is in Putin's pocket. They are an enemy, not an ally. Time to question why so many Indians are being stuffed into the US in sensitive positions of business. You would think America would have learned from giving the Chinese the combination to the vault. Now repeating the same mistake with India.
  9. Some very low prices are available in Bangkok along pharmacy row near Siriraj Hospital. For example, two months worth of medicine when I paid for it after my doctor's appointment at the hospital was about 5500 baht. Six months of the same medicine, same brands, was 8200 baht at one of the pharmacies along pharmacy row.
  10. I stopped going to Boots a couple of years ago, because you could see the curtain pulled down on the medicines behind the counter before you even entered. P&F does a better job of staffing their stores with pharmacists. And in an emergency, I will still go there to fill out my medicine list. But nowadays there is a better alternative in Bangkok. Just go to pharmacy row near Siriraj.
  11. I think it is important that the US president come here. Xi is going to be here, so once again the US is abandoning the field to the Chinese. Chinese prestige up even more in Thailand. US prestige down. That reflects on those of us living here, too.
  12. It was especially galling during the Covid lockdown, when the only places allowed to be open were grocery stores, post offices, and pharmacies, and then there weren't any pharmacists to dispense medicine.
  13. Wouldn't want to be the person who ratted out people in the village. Life might get a lot tougher.
  14. BOE announcing intervention in the bond market. UK Pound is about to become the Turkish Lira. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2022/september/bank-of-england-announces-gilt-market-operation?sf170940617=1
  15. Baht's fall against the US dollar is paying off. Keep it up--or down, as the case may be.
  16. A new president and direction for West Taiwan. About time.
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