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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Didn't Srettha say he wants a special "Muay Thai Visa"? So more of these aggressive martial arts thugs, many more, will be on their way?
  2. Chinese eating Thais out of their own durian. Literally. And since increasingly Chinese are buying out crops directly from farms, with no middlemen, Thais may soon no longer be able to buy durians at any price.
  3. What happened to the electricity discount Srettha promised last month. Just got my electric bill. Highest in eight years.
  4. Just watched the first episode of The Sympathizer. Quite good, surprisingly. I say surprisingly because I didn't like the book at all. But this episode is well done. There is the usual contemporary photography that somehow manages to make even SE Asia look somewhat gloomy outside, when it's so bright here during the exterior filming season that you usually need an umbrella or even a tent to shoot. IMDb says some exteriors shot in Thailand. Don't know where. But overall, effective atmosphere that captures Saigon in 1975.
  5. Hah. Iran and its proxies do that about once a week already.
  6. I've been hearing about an Iranian youth revolt since the 1990s. Most of them are in late middle age now. At least. Somehow, the revolution never happens. Either the government is more than capable of always beating them down, or the "modern youth" eventually age into comfortable defenders of the status quo.
  7. There is this from wiki. I don't know how accurate wiki is, but here it is anyway: And it was an annex that was hit, not the embassy itself. Inside were Iranian generals who had planned October 7.
  8. Sure hope one of those Iranian missiles doesn't get through and accidentally destroy the Dome of the Rock.
  9. It looks to me he is wearing biege shorts. Not naked. But otherwise a disgrace.
  10. There is a video, which the Swiss doctor kicker took himself.
  11. A sudden attack of diarrhea doesn't care if you're 20m or 2m away. You have no choice. Eight pages into this story, and we still don't know anything about the man's condition and what prompted him to do what he did. I cannot imagine anyone would willingly humiliate themselves like this.
  12. Thailand may be corrupt. But Vietnam is on another level, much higher. So there is much for Thais to learn in this "strategic partnership."
  13. Sometimes, it doesn't matter where you are. https://nypost.com/2023/09/07/passengers-onboard-diarrhea-plane-share-ordeal/
  14. Man is being humiliated for being unable to control his bowels. Newcomers here especially shouldn't go out without first preparing with a dose of Imodium.
  15. Drunk is drunk no matter where you are, but in Thailand it's especially dangerous with the holiday starting.
  16. If the military dictators in Myanmar are finally kicked out and the democratic government restored, then bring in Myanmar as part of the Nato alliance, sitting on Thailand's doorstep.
  17. Philippines are part of the frontline of defense already. Forget Thailand, because it is on the other side already.
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