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Everything posted by khlongtoey

  1. what are the many disadvantages? I was thinking Thai Insurance, Thai hospitals, that would be more straightforward for any hospital in Thailand for accessing care and payments. I'm wanting to establish healthcare for the future, and know some expats that have AIA, and am told after age 59, with AIA it may not be possible.
  2. is AIA a "thai insurer" ? I am thinking they are based out of Hong Kong with local subsidiaries? Maybe some advantages of having a Thai Insurer?
  3. surprised anyone can get any insurance at 72 in Thailand. I was told by a rep that to get AIA I need to be no older than 59 , and also was asked "has any Thailand hospital any records or you having any diagnosis?", in my case "no" was the answer. based on this I'm considering a low-end plan soon , on a non-imm O , though, no plan to live in Thailand full time
  4. oh ok thanks TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Bully
  5. wth is a bully dog, a Rottweiler? looks a bit small, maybe a pitbull. whether or not "ever bit anyone" , these breeds are designed to be vicious , should not be pets
  6. time for the government to take back all "public transport" , neoliberalization leads to even worse inequality
  7. sure there is, BPH causes bladder retention, MD puts you on alpha blockers, the ones that work best, often cause something called retrograde ejaculation , good times
  8. which do you prefer black or red cock? I don't drink lao khao, so I think I'm ok
  9. as the Bard may have once said, metinks she doth protest too much. 2 and 2
  10. sorry, I'm unclear what the sentences mean, could you possible, please, provide some dates as an example? say I arrive Jan 1st, stamped in for 90 days till ~March 31st. @CW say on February 15th I go and apply for a 1 year Extension of stay. I'm guessing one is told yes or no, if the application is approved on the spot, though, they must return the next day or so, to pick up the passport with the new stamp? On what date would the 1st TM47/90 day be due?
  11. so, your 1st 90 day report, will be 90 days (non-o stamp), +90 days after that?
  12. so *JUST out of curiousity, who are the BKK agents, / where to find same , just as a backup , using Thai Bank asset method, and/or are some legit , and just help folks disabled or confused ; or technically is it the case that the only legit method is one MUST appear, and/or maybe the agent appears with you ? feel free to private message me , thanks
  13. yes, it is at Chang Wattana, if it matters, it will likely be with a Non-O obtained from a Los Angelas Consulate, (I'm curious if those are now E-visas also, like TRs are?). I guess the 800k doesn't need to season at all pre-1 year extension (1st 1 year EOS) ? Which I will do at Day 45 of the 90 day stamped in. I guess I'll keep a print out of the transferwise transfers from my US Bank to BBL , and that is sufficient to show it came from outside Thailand, or maybe I print out the US statement/s showing money went to transferwise or both? or Do I also need something from BBL showing the transfers were from outside ? or all 3 ? I could do iBanking from one BBL account to the other in the run-up , monthly if that matters at all, I appreciate your patience , granted at CW , like BKK, many things seem to randomly happen.
  14. better headline Tears cause yoga tears at Swampy
  15. talked with our serviced apartment/monthly rental manager today (she is on a work permit herself). They have only month to month "leases/contracts", which are not written, otherwise what they can provide is something called a "letter of accomodation" (which I've used for visas before), wonder if *that and a TM.30 might be enough for a person doing their 1st 1 year extension , based on a non-O obtained outside Thailand?
  16. USEMB Affidavid originally yes, I'm aware, it expires this December, hence...
  17. hmm, so then if the soonest is 45 days (CW is 45, others are 30) and assuming, I were to get the 1 year the next day, add 90 days, and that makes 45+90 or 135days minimum to have obtained/do a 90 day report and get a slip and then a COR ? or about 5 months? 2) in general could one do 1 non-O per year, from outside Thailand ? (last few years I'm doing TR60s with extensions, but will be aiming for maybe 4-5 months in country in 2025). PS. this will be at CW BKK T.M.
  18. just curious if on a non-O from outside the country, are the timeframes the same? apply with 45-15 days left, end up with a notice to come back in 2 weeks to get the stamp in the passport? 3) so if there are other types of extensions off a non-O obtained out of the country, like +30 days? In that case, would one do a 90 day report, or is it only for 1 year extensions, based on non-O's ?
  19. once, you get a non-O , that may suffice to open a bank account. Hence, don't need the COR, hopefully you don't need a new TIN, tax ID , 55 ofcourse, yeah, I guess you need the bank account with 800k before the non-O application.
  20. ok thanks, yeah, maybe it may require multiple trips to CW, which I assume is allowed?
  21. sir, where is your 2024 thai tax return copy ? sorry , no extension this year. other idea, is maybe good to start getting 1 year extensions now, and maybe they will grandfather those already in country, like happens with many other big changes to "the rules" ?
  22. yeah, you go to USPS to apply for passports and presumably passport cards(which folks use to go to mexico, who don't want a full on passport), but you don't have to go to USPS to do it. Never heard of USPS offering any kind of IDs . in my state, I don't think I am required to pay state taxes if I claim I am not physically present > X number of days. yes, real ID or Gold Star is something now required to fly, I think they may still offer DL renewal without it, iirc ; then the DL office probably also offers just State ID cards that are not for driving, course, every state will have some twists on what they want. However Real ID is some federal (anti-immigrant/terrorist thing). Apparently, if you get a Thai DL you can use that in the US for driving anyway. +1 for the "passport card/ID" thing, if one is allowed to have both, think I'll do that myself soon. Then carry it with my passport copies while in thailand
  23. this is one of the problems with banking here, the small print and warnings may not be clearly disclosed, till one find out about them by happenstance on AN, or when something goes wrong, and then may or may not be easily undone, IMO I may just stick with Non-O's from outside Thai and not do extensions for now. ; until I *am in country 180 days + or something , lol
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