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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. But what happened exactly ? She went in a lady and went out a ladyboy ?
  2. Any new developpments on the corruption scandal involving the ukrainian minister of agriculture who was sacked ?
  3. Those fine ladies back in the US will soon be contracting itchy private parts when their boys are back home.
  4. No sex industry in Thailand, now c'mon on. Just as there are absolutely no rising cases of STD's all over. Fake news 🤣
  5. Maybe they were not sure if he knew or had more to sneak out then Epstein ? If every such pig were to be jailed, most of the high-end swanky golf clubs in the US, UK and other trendy destinations, would plainly shut down.
  6. With all the alarming reports on the latest Boeings, I would dump the entire fleet of Boeings in service. The major global actors are switching to Airbus.
  7. The Russians will go back when things chill. Doubt however that the Ukrainians will do so. But to their credit, both nations do have a great layout of hotties in their 90D's !!
  8. It's like drugs. No customer - no trafficking.
  9. What about all the other western women who indulge in the business illegally ?
  10. Digital has it's advantages as it avoids getting cheated with the wrong change and avoids having to carry bags full of cash all over. But cash rules nevertheless beacause if one day somebody pulls the plug from the internet and digital networks, the cashless gurus will be left stranded in the dark of the soapy ladyboy saloon !!
  11. The chinese crooks are smarter it seems...they don't or rarely get caught !!
  12. For how much longer is the USA going to support a Genocide ?
  13. Why such hate ? Far more fun to rant behind the computer, comfortably in the shade near the fan and close to the pool.
  14. Not to forget the very active Chinese mafia who are taking over but as usual, very discreetly and with the usual crooked smiles.
  15. Fresh water or sparkling water, chilled but not frozen. That's the best thing you can give your body. Keep the booze for night cap, after sunset.
  16. Many foreigners do not get the aspect in Asian culture. if one plainly pays the overcharged price as not to appear as a cheap charlie, for sure, you get all the simles and waïs on leaving, but in their minds, they will be saying "man what a fool to have paid out just like that", On the other hand if you bargain, haggle get the discount you are asking, sure, you will get the stern looks and long faces, but deep inside the man or woman selling will have respect for you.
  17. Time to make life easier for the retirees and allow foreigners to own at least one plot of land and commute all leasehold to freehold. As they are the the main big spenders. Not to mention making visa and various immigration issues less a pain in the neck for foreigners. If not, watch the economy to go further to it's doom.
  18. Tourists can come or not, but by far, they are not the big spenders. Those who spend the most are the people who own property and stay longer then the regular joe-tourist and his 2 week stay in a beach resort.
  19. With all the high quality fakes around, any upstart can display a genuine brand watch but everybody will consider it a well imitated fake. Same for the logo branded apparel or leather goods. So no point.
  20. All the hoards of those who got expelled in the golden days must be chuckling...
  21. Thrash can tend to be disposed off all over and anyplace, when there is no adapted and specific place to do so in the first place. Get the point ?
  22. Tried to check the local hospitals ? At worst, they may know where to direct the OP ? Not to underestimate also the info on FB and similar.
  23. Sorry for my silly question, but we are talking sceptic tanks here, right ?
  24. Very true and I think there are already commencing the new tomorrow all over Europe mainly. Fair play.
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