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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. As things change so fast, why not ask directly at source and hope this public info on the IB website helps, if it is accepted by moderation. Immigration Bureau (Headquarter) 904 Popular Road. ,Muang Thong Thani, Banmai, Pakkret, Nonthaburi. 11120 Tel.1178 / 02-572-8500 E-mail : [email protected] Open-Closed: Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 16:30 If no answer, the Pattaya expats club says a good deal on their webpage : https://pcec.club/Visa-Exrmpt-Entry Good Luck.
  2. Never....never break the law in any country....!
  3. A new "misunderstanding" that will lead to an "inactive post " ? 😁
  4. I would pour in white vinegar or some sort of baking soda perhaps in the dishwasher and the washing maching if left unused for a long time.
  5. Not sure I would blindly agree with Capt. Star Trek.
  6. He may not get his wage, but I would definately think social media would have more of an impact then any bureaucratic entitiy in Thailand having to handle a foreigner complaining. But then, never had to use them so this is just a shared feeling and not a guideline per se.
  7. ok thank you. I thought it was more related to a cyber security issue.
  8. Their country, their right to politicize. A good leader must put aside elements of external influence and negotiate alliances with former or current rivals in order to get support on voting bills and other proposals. Don't see what the problem here as politicians do similar all over the world. It's all about keeping ego aside, negotiating, getting support with rival formations, and getting people around a table to agree mutually. That's business...that's politics and that's how life goes towards success.
  9. I also make it a point, not matter the cost to planly discard any eventual inhalant prescribed, once the symptomes and treatment is over. Never stock it for future use.
  10. Why and how is Jpeg safer ? Sorry for the question, not trying to be smart, but as I am not a full time geek....thanks.
  11. Go, play do what you like,,or not. Be it here or over there back home. The golden rule is never to hurt anybody feelings. Either hers or hers !! Never get caught, never admit 🤣...especially if she's nice with you..and never...never bring back an STD as a embrassing souvenir. This calls for total protection no matter what. And how would one know for sure, that the official Missus has not quietly upgraded from her side ? 🤫 Better of course not to go astray..you'll sleep better at night !!...🤥😇😇
  12. That's why I always bring my official girlfriend along from abroad. 😛 This year it may have sense to get some rain apparel and a jacket or sweater with all the uncommon shifts in the weather.
  13. For sure Sir, you were not complaining and even if you were, I would not take any liberty to finger point......I was in fact actually complaining a bit..🤣
  14. India and Thailand have a shared culture going back to centuries with the implementation of budhism and hinduism that came to Thailand from India. At the end of the day, it's the rotten apples that need to be banned no matter where they are from. However it cannot erase the strong cultural and spiritual heritage that the 2 nations mutually share and respect. The Thai's are smarter then us westerners and quite obviously know how to seperate the good from the bad, no matter which nationality or skin colour is involved. A shere sign of wisdom that can teach many a few, many a lesson of life.
  15. Empathy ? yes for sure, it is important for the mind and the soul. but Stupidity ? try to avoid as it is bad mainly for yer wallet !!
  16. Fine for me as abroad they don't cheat that much or at all as in New Delhi or amongst the Thai meter taxi drivers in Thailand.
  17. In NYC I saw more a majority of Sikhs driving taxis ??
  18. For sure, which is why the apps like Uber, Grab, Bolt were almost an overnight globall success.
  19. Doing sort of the same mistakes as the US,. years back that lead to the crash when people could not pay back the loan installments ? Society always forgets that in real estate, it's a bit like at the Casino if the market crashes or not or if the bubble bursts or not.....the bank always wins.
  20. The renting markets seems full of scams and crooks quite like in Thailand. Not all are bad obviously, but when it's a foreigner involved, there seems to be strong urge to cheat or extort money.
  21. very true....that's why I guess they will always remain where there are, despite all the opportunities sent by the universe !!
  22. A foolish tailor once said that to me when I was showing him that similar stuff was far cheaper back in europe. 🤣 .. at higher quality He did end up in loosing my business and the next door shop more open to discussion (and discount of course) made the deal
  23. It's all about attiude, respect, the body language or the tone used to interact. No matter in which direction; Thai-->foreigner or the other way round. What can be rather interesting on a different approach, is how a minority of western foreigners in Thailand, try to look down on other foreigners who are as "foreign" as a "farang" is-..... in the eyes of the Thai's. It somewhat reminds me of this acquaintance back in a nice western nation, married to a fine Middle Eastern lady, but was always ranting agains other foreigners.
  24. All those who have moved around here and there, know that when it comes to real estate, they are all.....all just a bunch of goons and crooks. Some maybe a bit more "honest" crooks then the others 😂 ?? ...but nevertheless a bunch of crooks - no matter in which part of the country, or the world, or from where they come from. With this in mind, one can make better decisions and avoid not getting over ripped off. As they say, on buying property in Thailand as a farang, always put in what you can risk to loose if at all.
  25. Rarely does western media report on the many protests right in Israel, against Bibi's extremist policies and cronies in power.
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