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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. Who said these biker gangs were a Sunday church choir ? All over the world, there is always a percentage of misconduct and crime, behind those fine tatooed leather clad lads, who are very brave when amongst their hoard.
  2. At the end of the day, if petty street crime continues, be it in Patts, Hua Hin or Bangkok, at some point people will plainly stop comming to Thailand.
  3. If it was only the fruit and veggies from China that were potentially contaminated, it would be a different story. Practically all chinese cheap goods that come in via Shein or similar online webstores, have issues that can be a safety hazard.
  4. Will they stop some day harassing all the foreigners living here who bring in good money ?
  5. Don't underestimate Africa and it's potential on the middle term future.
  6. Very nice, but what when one want's to cash the crypto ? Many western nations, have ruthless tax retentions on cashing crypto, so would need to watch that one, before rushing in.
  7. At first it sounded like me poop in the mornings, doing plop-plop on a good morning glory day 😁
  8. A private clinic has one main goal...money. Nothing new here. Considering many highly reputable public hospitals all over the country, I would rather check it out with their opthalmology department.
  9. Ratings are one thing and usually the chaps conducting the survey seem to have been well fed by those surveyed !! To get a reliable scope of passenger satisfaction, do the survey directly with passengers waiting to board their flight. Not with some survey international firm that gets perhaps free perks on writing about this or that. When it comes to passenger comfort, much can be done at Suvarnabhum airport. Increase and open more immigraiton booths arrival and departure. Add more automated passport gates for all visitors on visa on arrival from western nations. No point in having luxury brand shops all over, when passengers often lack seating and device charging booths near the gates. Seating space, lacks at most of the departure gates and that highly challenges the results of such rankings.
  10. Get a pro pool cleaner on a regular basis.
  11. Hyundai Tucson's are also a good choice but not so popular here. But you will have a SUV that few have and that is very reliable.
  12. I am always very amused on watching ladyboys walk back to the hotel followed by the client a few yards away pretending he's not the one. And even more surprises on seeing many clients who are the tough mouthy tatooed types. Of course, with consenting adults, all are free to their private lives should it be by the front door or the back yard.
  13. Foreigners can also get fed up at some point in being scammed daily on each and every commercial interaction. This can lead to some form of hostility. Not that one must approuve any form of hostility or agression towards anybody, man or woman. It's just to understand how it happens in the first place.
  14. It takes two sides to such reports. One side is those who report but on the other is those who behave like jerks and end up in contributing to their own stigmatisation.
  15. A global trend where couples prefer not to give birth due to hectic professional lifestyles, high inflation, lack of perspectives for their sibblings or due to agressive social mutations that shake in the traditionnal household gender balance and equilibrum of the previous era.
  16. yes but strangely the Thai staff on 10k-20k THB a month seem happier then then those with 10k US$ a month.
  17. Cholesternium 9CH (homeopathy) doses. 3 balls under the tongue, before meals, 2 a day. Worked miracles for me. Free to anybody to belive in homeopathy or not. I am not trying to convert or give any medical advise here. Plainly sharing what worked with me and kept me away, for the moment, from the big pharma's drugs. (Consult by all means a qualified doctor on the issue of course. This is plainly to share a personal experience and not a medical recommendation) .
  18. Always highly incomprehensible to see people exposing themselves to skin cancer or other dematological issues related to irresponsable sunbathing in the tropics.
  19. Who did not get the brown enveloppe ? In the meantime, the drug peddlars openly and shamelessly operate all over Sukhumvit.
  20. Would there have been all the fuss with the fellow if he lived in some low profile condo in a backstreet area ?
  21. He forgot to pay off somebody in the Police ?
  22. Bringing in the Chinese rarely brings in more money. The majority of the hoards of chinese that come with their tour flags are basically stingy or do not have much money to spend in Thailand. And if they spend, it is mainly in their own chinese businesses or gambling dens in Thailand, where the owners send back most of the money to China.
  23. Whatever is implemented, it should be totally banned (with jail penalty) to smoke that disgusting smelly stuff in public, restaurants, beaches, at bus stops etc.
  24. Only a fool would post controversy on social media, when still in Thailand. Furthermore, they should crack down and expel that german teenage gang making a nuisance in their house developpment ? That should be a good place to start.
  25. It will boost or not the economy, but hopefully it will not boost the number of road accident deaths ? ...not so sure though...
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