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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. If found guilty, THROW THE BOOK AT 'EM.

    It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

    Law abiding residents should not have anything to worry about more stringent visa rules i would have thought.

    I would have thought the hang em high brigade would like the rules as stringent as possible.

    Unless of course they are "Bending" those rules to stay in Thailand themselves in either the spirit or letter of the law?

    I have been here for 10 years and recently have changed to a Non O multi entry. I have never failed to pay taxes, always have paid road tax and 1st class insurance, donated to temples, never broken any laws (OK, littering the odd time and not crossing at a designated place), but may be subject to getting only a single entry visa (or tourist visa) the next time I apply because immigration sometimes tar falangs with the same brush. Please do not lecture a law abiding person.

  2. OK. And let's say that 50% (very generous figure) were domestic passengers and had no departure tax to pay. So, an airport tax of B700 x 20,000,000 international passengers = B1,400,000,000.

    Just wondering where the proceeds of this tidy sum went to. I mean, were they ploughed back into the business (at least wash the fukking windows in the place!!)?

  3. 'Some other countries would rather open their borders for humanitarian reasons'.

    Oh! How soon we forget the Pol Pot regime. How the Cambodian refugees, who didn't make it to the camps, were beaten, shot and repatriated to their charnel house through mine fields by Thai soldiers.

    We're alright Jack. Pull the ladder up and sod the rest of 'em!!

  4. Yes. I wanted to hear what people would say about my comment. My son was killed by a drunk driver. Of course I don't want to see innocent by-standers killed, but a lot of drivers here are animals.

    I'm sorry for your loss. Yet, to me it's not a good idea, to come up with posts like that when somebody just lost his/her life. Some people stated that they knew the victim, and for all we know, a family member might even be reading this forum. Imagine how bad that person feels about your little "experiment".

    I've been driving cars and motorbikes myself for years here in Bangkok, I find it rather easy to get along. Traffic is so dense that hi speed is not very often possible anyway. And unlike us super-hero drivers with licenses thak took months to get, we change lanes within half a second because we see that in Formula 1, Thais tend to do all changes a lot more smoothly.

    True. It was a rash and hot headed statement, but I feel bitter toward drivers who do not care about human lives. I apologise to anyone who was offended by my statement.

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