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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Throughout history a mass of people have been pushed to give rights to others by activists. "End slavery? Nonsense. That William Wilberforce is just an activist." "Votes for women? Blooming suffragette activists." We are too lazy or feel unable to be activists because of jobs, family etc. Giving at least moral support to activists is all we can do. When someone takes a knee or wears a rainbow armband, that is not an activist but a strong supporter. Showing support for activists is necessary. Throwing yourself in front of the king's horse is activism.
  2. Many Laotians want a flutter on the matches too? After all the whole football thing is about gambling isn't it? Poor righteous Qataris wanted to host the cup in their Muslim state and then realized alcohol is important to fans. Now gambling. Whatever next?
  3. It seems both could reach an amicable agreement without hair pulling and kicking. Good luck to them.
  4. The Japanese are always amazed that Asians don't do the same as them. One Japanese chap told me seriously that Japan is not in Asia.
  5. If i remember correctly, a Thai with a foreign parent must decide which nationality to take eventually. The law may have changed. At 15 years s/he can get a national ID card. As a baby, it may look obvious to officers this is for the foreign parent's benefit. Putting the land in the name of the mother and getting an usufruct (simultaneously if possible) agreement will allow you lifetime use of the land
  6. No. I don't believe in conspiracy theories.
  7. Well after centuries no scientists have been able to cure the common cold. It doesn't mean they won't one day but these viruses that affect humans and animals aren't that easy to cure. Fingers crossed but not holding any breath.
  8. Why not do what they've done for alcohol and tobacco and make weed for over 18s only? (Except in medical cases). Ciggies cause cancer and emphasima and definitely kill. No medicinal properties at all. Alcohol causes negative effects on families. The government hasn't done a lot to stop people driving drunk or beating up the wife. Cannabis makes you hungry. That's it. The government could make a lot of revenue by taxing cannabis without killing anyone. I even have a slogan prepared: Only tote if you can vote.
  9. She seems to have been an equal opportunity grifter who developed relationships with famous republicans like Kissinger and George Schultz as well as helping to raise money for Hilary Clinton. The thing about grifters is they stand with anyone who helps them.
  10. They say prison is an education. I have a feeling the lads in prison will teach him not to kick women to death.
  11. I wonder how many of the almost 3 million tickets sold will result in filled seats or whether many fans will ask for their money back? English football fans require beer and they may not be aware that Qatar is a dry country. Expect fireworks.
  12. Can't imagine watching it. Every four years England fans believe they will again win the cup only to be beaten on penalties by Costa Rica or waiting for Tunisia to draw Germany in order to go forward. The England women’s team have more chance of winning.
  13. Best to smile and let her get on with it without arguing. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
  14. For a country that can’t even maintain roads this looks like a shakey idea. “Where’s Somchai? He’s supposed to be checking the heat regulator.” ”His mother called and said she was making his favorite food for lunch. He decided to take an early break.” ”Did Sombat relieve him?” ”Not yet, he isn’t around.l ”So who is watching the heat regulator?” ”Well, it was fine thirty minutes ago.” Boom
  15. It is more clear about why the government gave gamblers, ahem, I mean the citizens, free access to the World Cup. Politicians dominate gambling and they will make a killing.
  16. Frustration is a boiling pot. She might not have been in the mood but would not have wanted him to go to a lady of the night. Talking is the best way to solve the problem. If it doesn't, then go and find a more willing lady.
  17. Not so sure anyone could prove that. Who will admit to paying?
  18. He does appear to be an honest and trusting husband. I find it sad that women cry about wishing for a good husband and then they do the dirty on them so easily. She will return penniless when the new boyfriend dumps her and she will try to return to this good man. He will take her back is my bet.
  19. Not sure how this works. Surely, it's not illegal to leave France? So they see some dusky guys with a small boat and shout that they must not leave France and the guys reply, not to worry, we are just popping across the channel? What French law are they breaking? Seems they could turn off the tap by making life in Syria better. If there was no reason to leave, that would ease the problem. The UK and USA, among many others, have been helping to provide military support but won't do much to develop the country.
  20. It is not a secret if you tell everyone.
  21. It's just a game and won't lead to a better quality of life, especially as the poor gamblers will lose a lot of money.
  22. No one is pointing at anyone. How can ASEAN Now readers know who dunnit? Two maids? Well there's a couple in the photo. They must be the maids...
  23. I have never been in favor of the death penalty as once in a while an innocent person gets executed. One is too much. While the UK no longer kills people after the Derek Bentley case (later given a posthumous pardon. He must have been so happy). America, Australia and other countries later discovered evidence proving the innocence of people wrongfully executed. So before gleefully calling for the death penalty remember it could be you who goes kicking and screaming to the execution protesting your innocence to the grave. Hey, you may get a "sorry" later. In the case of sex with minors no doubt the penalties of up to 50 years are high (and in Thailand they don't always have early release like in western countries, unless you are rich or hire the right lawyer), it does go to show that foreigners are not the only ones here who commit terrible crimes.
  24. They will have to lower the taxes on electric cars tremendously to encourage Thai drivers to give up diesel pickups.
  25. I will use credit cards but don't like the idea of leaving myself more open to hackers with a Thai made electronic transfer app. It just feels like there is going to be a problem.
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