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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Don't know if he was drink or just not a competent driver. Perhaps more money than ability.
  2. Personally, I find it interesting that one part of the world is all doom and gloom about aging societies and the future lack of workers while another part of the world is doom and gloom about robots and AI taking our jobs. I suppose AI and robots taking the jobs of retirees is too much to ask?
  3. I was going to mention the idea of raising the cost of fines (100k for drink driving), but just read that road incidents cost Americans $340 billion — or $1,035 per person — in 2019 (The $340 billion figure represented 1.6 percent of America's GDP that year). This kind of implies that people don't mind fines that they can afford. Or pay tea money in the Thai case to avoid fines. Points deduction don't actually frighten people into obeying the law but rather tell them they can get away with stuff until all the points are gone, then carry on as usual.
  4. Where is the good guy with a gun? Hiding under the bed usually. Don't blame him either. Looks like the PM has his excuse to get his law passed now.
  5. I find the whole thing puzzling as I didn't follow it in much detail. Did a court find that Thaksin and Yingluck both signed the deal by their own hand knowing it was corrupt or did commerce minister Boonsong sign it and they were held responsible? Is it possible that two prime ministers signed the same deal? It reminds me of the American TV comedy Soap and the catchphrase "Confused? You will be..."
  6. The Chinese are clever. Send their people to Thailand and elsewhere and let Thai hospitals handle the problem.
  7. The inability of ministers to accept advice from underlings is exceptional. Just keep making policy without planning.
  8. Everyone in the USA believes the words "Bring me your..." etc., means their grandparents only.
  9. Looking at what happened in Spain, foreigners were told they should register to get residence but a lot of people didn't and were asked to leave. Make same same but different.
  10. News on page 4 on Wednesday: Thai Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob and Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakar have COVID-19 and will not be conducting their duties for 10 days.
  11. They will be fully enforced... Until the tea money is paid.
  12. There's a lot in many western countries. Personally i don't feel strongly about incest but very strongly about rape, as most others do.
  13. Not the first I've read of kids shooting people with daddy's gun. (Side bar; Rhode Island had no age limit on trying kids as adults but others have a limit of 13 years and higher). Read about the result of taking away guns e.g. Australia and the American reaction is that taking away people's guns just leaves criminals as the only ones with guns. Obviously this is wrong as the decline in TOTAL gun deaths includes murders by criminals. It is pretty effective. The biggest fall in deaths (over 60%) is always suicides as guns kind of make suicide more certain than other forms of ending it. People insist that the constitution guarantees the right to own a gun. But does it? After all, the right was never worked into the original document but was an amendment, implying that it could be amended again if desired. The 18th amendment of 1919 banned alcohol. Then it was repealed by the 21st amendment in 1933 - proving that any part of the constitution can be repealed. People just have to want it.
  14. It seems incest is common especially in the developing world. However, before looking down on Thailand be aware that scientists estimate around 23,000 kids are the result of inbreeding in the UK. US authorities estimate incest occurs in over 10 percent of American families. It isn't even illegal in some states. The horrible part is that rape by family members is detestable because we ought to be able to trust parents. It seems that this monk was upset his daughter had a lesbian lover. No excuse.
  15. Thailand needs tourists due to its inability to develop an educated population and entice foreign manufacturers here. So its economy is always going to be hostage to COVID. The lack of leadership here will see it stumbling from crisis to crisis forever.
  16. I wish they wouldn't spoil Hua Hin and surroundings further. Chopping down the forest or encroaching on the beaches is a terrible idea let it go to Pattaya where everything was destroyed years ago
  17. Well, I understand that the station was given a royally bestowed name so they have to change it. That is a given. My questions to management would be: 1. Why didn't you request the name from the start, before construction? This is called planning. 2. Why request renaming after the station had been built and the giant letters placed on two ends? 3. Why ask for a royally given name after construction at all? It really looks like management incompetence from the start. It isn't as if a royally bestowed name is a surprise - someone has to request it. Knowing they were going to make a formal request, surely they could have held off on naming it Bangsue Central Station? However much is costs they can hardly back out at this stage. Just a bit of forethought could have saved the country a lot of money.
  18. There are lots of fact checkers/analysts and these things are not fact checked by the drug companies. Organizations like the US FDA and UK NHS busted the myths you mentioned years ago. Moreover, COVID is a coronavirus and work on coronaviruses has been undertaken for years before COVID-19 emerged. It is comparable to the development of airplanes years before war breaks out. Not believing scientists is fine, but no one believes non scientists. I linked to an article written by scientists. Here are a few more by reputable agencies. https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-were-covid-19-vaccines-rushed-through-approvals-or-given-emergency-use-authorisations-in-australia https://www.aarp.org/health/drugs-supplements/info-2020/covid-vaccine-myths.html?cmp=KNC-DSO-HEALTH-Health_COVID-NonBrand-Phrase-36909-GOOG-COVID-DrugsSupplement-VaccineMyths-COVID-Phrase-NonBrand&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzeSdBhC4ARIsACj36uGVVl-howQsYg2Tb9WeNOJMPPm5HseULtdI7oZef7MsUtJBnZTypyMaArh9EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/facts.html
  19. After all these years of reading news articles about murder, I doubt that there are many truly, purely, evil people in the world. There are many who are mentally ill for sure. A psychopath is mentally ill for instance. I read that many CEOs are psychopaths. Not evil unless treating people like sh*t is evil. This murderer is probably unbalanced, wouldn't say evil.
  20. Clearly you didn't read the fact check article I included.
  21. Seems that punters could buy US dollars and wait for the baht to weaken again. However, the continued reliance by Thailand on tourism is not the way forward.
  22. As the last census was in 2010, the Thai authorities are wonderful at juggling statistics.
  23. With 7 participants, and only 5 empty chambers, someone had to die. They made ît sound like a game.
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