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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. You can't blame them. Being a colony that the British promised to protect to a Chinese outlier that the Chinese promised to protect, promises were broken. A pity they aren't flooding the UK as these are the best brains, but Singapore makes sense for regional headquarter. Thailand wouldn't know a regional headquarters if it hit them on the head. The complicated rules and regulations for setting up here makes my head spin. As an anecdote, someone from the BOI asked me if I knew any foreign businessmen and could I ask why they didn't set up their business in Thailand. The reply shocked the poor woman. "After 3 months there was no progress on my application in Thailand. I got a response within 3 days of applying in Singapore."
  2. Surgeons protect the patient by not breathing germs at them. For hundreds of years surgery was performed without masks. People died.
  3. Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people. America has the highest gun death rate of any developed country (undeveloped countries do have more). While the constitution is available on pdf online, some Americans don't quite understand that the 2nd amendment did not give carte blanche for people to carry guns. It gives permission for a well regulated militia to be armed to protect their states against a tyrannical government. It was not until 2008 that the supreme court said people could have a gun at home. Two centuries later. However, to be fair, the NRA and Ronald Reagan banded together in the 70s to introduce some gun control... When they found out that black extremists, notably the Black Panthers, were lawfully open carrying guns. That's right, racism provoked gun laws. People often complain that these mass shootings are caused by crazy people and don't explain why crazy people find it so easy to get guns. Calls for mental healthcare in a country where there is no free mental healthcare is clearly problematic unless Ted Cruz is calling for socialised healthcare. Americans say that guns are banned in countries with low gun death rates. Not true, they are just controlled. As a British high school student I shot rifles as an army cadet. They also say (as Trump did) that knife deaths are higher in the UK. They are not. Americans stab each other more. People carrying knives are unlikely to kill as many people because getting close to people running away is much harder. Knives can only be effective at arm's length. Mass shootings are an American phenomenon that could be reduced with gun control but the NRA won't allow it (unless every black man has an AR 15 one supposes). Arguing that guns are a right not a privilege doesn't work when you know that it didn't become a right until 2008 and that Supreme Court rulings can be struck down.
  4. Someone please explain, how does adding a tax bring costs down? Won't energy companies simply add the tax to their products?
  5. So many seem to think not wearing masks is a good idea. Just discovered a woman a few doors down died of Covid. I guess Thailand can afford to accept more deaths but what happens when tourists find out numbers were covered up? If only people who don't want to wear masks would tell their doctor next time they have an operation that they don't want the surgeon and nurses to wear a mask! But they won't because they don't want to die.
  6. Why are kids allowed to get away with this? Because they will become peaceful citizens one day who look back on this one day and feel the past is the past. When the military calls them up, many will make bad soldiers without discipline.
  7. Was waiting for someone to say it is no worse than flu. When the tail starts to grow, let us know.
  8. If the jewelry was still in the original boxes maybe they were intended for sale here. If she was wearing jewelry there is no reason to confiscate it. Thai women married to foreigners do like to show off their wealth but when this story is reported abroad, all of Thailand's boasts about being a tourist paradise will turn to dust in their mouths.
  9. The water authority does clean the raw water so it is potable. Thinking about the old Roman pipes in London and the dead rats floating in them. Londoners swear it is fine to drink.
  10. People who discover a windfall usually think this is their luck, like winning the lottery. They won't think of the person who put the money in as that is their fault. They see themselves as blameless. The money is probably the first good luck the family ever had.
  11. Such a creepy guy. Always chasing skirt when I knew him. Had to drag my female staff away when he got insistent on asking them out. All done with daddy's money so this is just a hiccup in his life.
  12. The developed world does not need protecting from guns. That's a US problem (and Latin American countries problem). Lots of stats to prove this from the FBI, CDC etc.
  13. Surprising that there are so many who, having tried to persuade everyone two years ago that it was just a type of flu, now still don't want to listen to doctors. Whatever you may say, long COVID is one of the results of having had COVID for some people, not all, and yet there are deniers who are willing to swear it is all made up. It is documented and has been explained for several years. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html Wherever you immigrated from, the story is very consistent. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/long-term-effects-of-coronavirus-long-covid/
  14. Why dont these mules suspect that the police are just waiting for them? Why follow the main road into the trap? I guess criminals at the lower end aren't smart.
  15. It is strange that the police announce in advance that they will get court orders to arrest people. What are those people going to do meanwhile? Pack their bags I guess. How many will be gone by the time the court orders their arrest? If the police are sure these people can be charged with a crime, why not just pick them up immediately?
  16. It is a one-off event that will boost the coffers but will have little effect long term on the economy. Yes, the cost of hotels and food will rise for that period but the government needs a longer term development solution. Formular 1 is just one piece of the jigsaw.
  17. Why do people want to vote for the Shinawatras? Is it that he was better than most? Possibly but doubtful. Whatever reason, It seems Thaksin is still a thorn in the sides of coup leaders.
  18. It is a criminal, not civil, case in Thailand. You can go to prison for defamation. If you have ever seen the inside of a Thai prison, it is not recommended.
  19. Kids not attending school is terrible for the development of the nation. On the other hand, Thailand is on a sticky wicket as COVID cases decline to below many neighbouring countries. What is the first thing the government declares? "Everyone from higher COVID infected nations come to Thailand and give us your COV... I mean money. This is going to be a neverending syndrome as long as the country depends so heavily on tourism. Develop industry and services and create employment, close the BOI and open the country to companies without having to give rich Thais a majority stake, and start introducing new technology. What happened to Thailand 0.4 - I mean 4.0?
  20. My Samsung has the option to block calls not in your contacts. Risky if you get friends who changed they phones. It also has an option to block spam and spam calls. AIS doesn't help much as (I believe) they make money from selling this info.
  21. Was talking to the Thai Bev master brewer (who invented Chang) maybe 14 years ago and he explained that alcohol content was bound to decline as young people wanted lighter beer. As for Singha, they have been lowering alcohol content for the same reason but keep additives as their poor supply chain means they cannot exchange stock as frequently as Chang. As with American beers, Singh uses formaldehyde. Not dangerous as it is so little but another reason not to drink Thai beers.
  22. Not sure anyone else thinks this is worthy of note. Thailand has fewer Covid cases than most. So what does it do? Says, welcome all you people from countries with high infection rates.
  23. Kids. My Hairdresser's daughter got knocked up at 14. The boys parents agreed to take care of her and the child. Mother was fine about it. Two kids of 11 in the village kept running away and bonking so the families held a marriage ceremony so they could do what they wanted (in the eyes of the villages). Thailand is a very laid back society.
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