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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. 6/10 is not a poor review. However, the hotel seems determined to drag their name through the mud. How can a hotel force people to write excellent score when it looks down on its customers like this? Wait until this gets international attention and watch tourism in Thailand falter again.
  2. I do wonder why Thais should speak English but foreigners are not expected to at least try to speak Thai. My in-laws don't speak English but I would not expect them to. This is Thailand and they don't have much education. There is a sense of noblesse oblige here. The husband is expected to take care of poorer relatives when they visit. When I go to see them, all food is free. I get their bedroom and the air conditioning is turned on just for me. Nothing the OP wrote looks unusual to me.
  3. Maybe the Thai embassies globally need a pamphlet warning about what happens when you test positive. Give them away with visa applications.
  4. Government policies are there but ineffectively carried out. Darwinism will continue to beat official action. Education is the biggest bridge to success but is not being built because teachers lack the knowhow or desire to teach critical thinking.
  5. That is a little bit concerning. If France isn't satisfied, why is the Thai government?
  6. An innovative idea. This will encourage the private sector to install more charging stations. If the demand is there, the supply will follow.
  7. Thank goodness the crackdown will only take place at the new year when most lasses are back with their parents.
  8. Reading various "personal opinions" I am less surprised that Omicron is an anagram of Moronic.
  9. The decision to shut Thailand must have a reason behind it. Rumours are doing the rounds that some have died from Omicron. Would not surprise me.
  10. Despite the criticism, Thailand is doing better that the UK and the US. When something occurs like Omicron they don't know what may happen and are taking safety precautions. Just carrying on as normal is immature and irresponsible.
  11. Not sure why the OP thinks a lot of people here are working class. Is the grammar and spelling revealing poor typing skills or level of education? Can people who were born working class now have a few million quid in the bank but still think of themselves as working class, or middle class at best?
  12. You mean we have to give examples of racism instead of examples of acceptance?
  13. I follow pro Brexit and anti Brexit groups on Facebook. Noticably, the Pro Brexit groups are very much racist and intolerant. My father told me he remembered the first Indian in Wales, mentioning everyone knew about this doctor. Personally, I only knew one Indian kid in grammar school and was jealous as he was a fantastic artist.
  14. The first time I heard of this type of policy was 30 years ago. Many concluded at the time that rich tourists stayed in expensive hotels with expensive restaurants. Hippies stayed in cheap hotels and spent their money on street food. Rich people stayed a week, hippies for several months. The result was the average Thai benefited more from hippies and the rich business owners kept it to themselves. The call from the Tourism Ministry was come and see the temples and eat the food. Of course Thailand would benefit from clean beaches, no dual pricing and fewer scams. But the lack of foreign language and excellent service ability is never going to pull in rich people who expect these things. Thailand needs to raise the quality of its people and depending on rich tourists isn’t going to change much.
  15. Most people confuse standard of living with quality of living. Some countries have a high standard with all the gadgets but suffer from low quality like worrying if their kids will be shot at school every day. Low stress, good food, time to relax leads to good quality of life.
  16. Portugal decriminalized drug offences in 2001. Drug-related deaths have remained below the EU average since 2001 The proportion of prisoners sentenced for drugs has fallen from 40% to 15% Rates of drug use have remained consistently below the EU average They provide a support system to wean people off drugs and are doing more than any country to end the curse of drug use.
  17. No, because Thais aren't demanding craft beer. If they were don't you think the majors would want to make money from it?
  18. I have no idea what age group die most, but often it is young people on mortorcycles, older in cars or pickup trucks. I once had a helmet-less 15-year-old on a motorcycle hit my motorcycle at high speed. Went to see his parents and they apologized on his behalf but refused to pay for anything. When cycling at Suan Rod Fai at weekends, you see kids of 6-10 with parents who don't even attempt to teach them simple rules. U-turns on the narrow bicycle lane to say look at me mummy and bang into them. Mummy just picks them up and admonishes then to be careful but no serious attempt to explain anything. I know there are more motorcycles upcountry but would say age, not income or location, is a major cause of deaths.
  19. In my weekend driving experience there are people who use indicators to change lanes. Like policemen, a few bad apples spoil it for the rest. However, I am glad that when people drive through a crossroads they acknowledge that they are a hazard. ????
  20. I did the research while in the loo and found that the ASEAN Now fora are part of a communist conspiracy to ensure we accept all opinions equally.
  21. This is a start, if not a perfect start. I understand the government may not ban a driver on first offence because, I believe, they recognize these guys will have no income if they can't drive due to a ban. It is like giving them a chance to rectify their behaviour. However, many foreigners will keep mentioning what their countries are better and what they would do. Are the two situations exactly the same? Taking someone's driving licence in Europe would not mean a family will starve. It won't mean increased suicide. Yes, if a Thai taxi drive kills people while drunk he will go to prison, a horrible place in Thailand. In Europe, prison is to be sniffed at compared to Thailand. This doesn't mean deducting 30 points has no use. It means they know how serious the government is.
  22. That's obviously true, but then you are expecting her to say she trusts you. In certain cases in the news this led to a 6 inch circumcision.
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