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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. They won't have a business visa to sell anything, so round them up and deport and blacklist the s***
  2. Laos upto it's armpits in debt to the chinese, another country ruined by communism. I can't blame the vendors for taking such action, it's a pity the government has sold the country out.
  3. The thugs should still be in the monkey house, lucky to get out so soon. At least we have seen the back of them. Good riddance.
  4. There has been a office in ROI Et for a few years now, before that we had to go to Amnat and in the dark years Mukdahan. It is situated a couple of Ks along the road to Maha from the Robinson's crossroad, on the right-hand side. It is signed, you do a U turn after the pedestrian bridge.
  5. I was RBT on highway 24 between Buri Ram and Khorat a few years ago around 11am, the 1 and only time here in 15 years. It was negative.
  6. I have usually found the people in Roi Et to be generally helpful. It won't do any harm to go in and have a chat with them first. Just remember that Savannahkhet is appointment online only now and that individuals have reported that getting one is problematic, due to the visa run mini bus companies booking the slots as soon as they are made available, 2 weeks in advance. Good luck.
  7. Absolutely they would. Certainly in my case the quality of life here is far superior than the UK.
  8. I obtained my TIN without a CoR. Just used my yellow book, pink ID card and passport.
  9. I don't turn up with pre filled forms anymore as they always want to give you their one and ask you to fill it in at the table provided. Forms 1, 2 and 3 have been a requirement for sometime at my office.
  10. I can see that being introduced for marriage extensions as well.
  11. Always risky getting multiple single tickets, miss 1 flight and your are Donald Ducked. Best to buy with the same airline on multiple stops, so much for saving money.
  12. My home visits have always been after the extension has been issued not during the under consideration period. And they call ahead to establish if you are there before leaving their office. However, it's entirely possible some IOs may arbitrarily do it then in the under consideration period.
  13. A friend did the same thing last month and had to supply a copy of his utility bill, electric I believe he sent them, with his name and address on and the last one he had received. He got his visa done in less than 10 minutes he told me. I believe it's to stop people getting E visas from outside of the UK.
  14. Everyone knows the current Muppet of a PM is just a cardboard cutout wheeled out with his silly grin to do absolutely nothing other than yahk...
  15. No plans to leave, been here 15 years, unless they kick me out for whatever reason. Positives are that it's a far better quality of life than where I came from and still is. Negative is having to deal with Thai bureaucracy but it's only a occasional negative.
  16. Another scandal led by the BiB, hardly a surprise as they and the military are running illegal businesses all over the country on a daily basis.
  17. The EC should be nullified along with the entire senate, set up by a bunch of army Muppets who usurped democracy and have no idea how a country should be governed.
  18. Thailand is oblivious to the scenario. Throw in no parental responsibility on behalf of the male population who sire children and then disappear because there is no enforcement of their financial support for the child/children, it's hardly surprising women are opting out of having any.
  19. Laws in Thailand are sporadically enforced at the best of times and has always been the case because of vested interests...
  20. Because the alternative is far, far worse and now the benefit huggers have taken over it will only get even more so...
  21. They should go with the Swedes. They have already integrated Thai data links into the existing fleet and it meets the criteria set out about technology transfer which the Yanks don't offer.
  22. A copy will suffice, I carry a credit card size laminated copy in my wallet along with my other cards. Available in photo shops for a couple of hundred baht, or less.
  23. I am so happy for him, he clearly has a very low level of intelligence. The guy is a <deleted> idiot absolutely no sympathy whatsoever. You do drugs do the time if caught. Bad guys out.
  24. Clearly a idiot, if he thinks he can blend in within 3 weeks as he sticks out like a sore thumb. Try getting out into a village 500 Kms from where you are and see if you fit in...
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