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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Plenty of hard up farangs doing the same thing all over the country, selling pies, sausages etc etc
  2. Hard luck, that's what you get dealing with chinese scum.
  3. It obviously depends on the workmanship involved. In my case I have no leaks at all in my main house roof, 16 years on. If you employed a buffalo herder to put your tiles on with no basic tools such as a level, good luck
  4. He's already in the electric chair then with that moron running the case.
  5. Thailand the tech hub of incompetence. If they can't do this how the fook are they going to tie together all the agencies for the much lauded tax of overseas income.
  6. The keystone cops of all parliaments. Brian Rix would be hard pushed to come up with such a farce.
  7. Don't under any circumstances
  8. Unless your onward flight in Thailand is from another airport in BKK, there are 2
  9. Good, he should be found not guilty of his 2nd amendment rights for carrying his gun but he's definitely guilty of being a poor hunter.
  10. Yes, it definitely does. 3 of my drinking buddies gulp down Chang and after 3 bottles their speech and memory go to pieces...
  11. No surprise at all that the military want to surpress freedom of speech, it's all they did in the miserable 10 years after the last illegal government took over from a democratically elected one. Some of the laws they introduced are still in effect.
  12. Completely corrupt process with completely corrupt overseer's in the EC. The whole senate debacle created by an illegal government in the first place, is an affront to democracy.
  13. The Nazi should be kicked out back to Berlin where is family originally came from to escape the vitriol he now spouts from his vile mouth.
  14. I am sure the task force personnel will soon be receiving gratuities to re-establish the old chaos
  15. I do my units every 6 months.
  16. A sad reflection on the freedom of speech in a land of petty complaints, mainly from people who are delinquent in understanding democracy. He's lucky to be able to afford to go, many are not.
  17. Neanderthal's continue to be allowed to disrupt the running of the country. Scrap the uniform culture as it is just so absurd along with the wearing of certain colours on different days of the week. It's the 21st century. Uniforms shouldn't be worn by civil and public servants, only those in the relevant services e.g police, fire etc etc As in most other modern countries.
  18. Clearly a corruption scheme. The incompetence of the water authority who stopped monthly billing should be exposed as a dereliction of duty. I live a 2 hour drive away and have only ever paid 250 baht a month for my village water supply. 3 bathrooms, washing machine on everyday, 5 inhabitants etc etc It's a scam.
  19. There is 1 born every minute, <deleted> tailors must be doing good business if he had 900 Dollars in his wallet. Nice to see the brothers ripping each other off...
  20. There is 1 born every minute, <deleted> tailors must be doing good business if he had 900 Dollars in his wallet. Nice to see the brothers ripping each other off...
  21. Clearly the government coffers are in a perilous state, perhaps even a black hole in the finances after the military usurpers departed, to coin Cur starmer phrase which is repeated more often than i did the 9 times table...
  22. Another example of the failure of visa exempt entry, these and the chinese are filth
  23. Because it's not what you know but who you know... As usual in Thailand the least qualified get the top jobs, while fully qualified people who won't pay bribes, don't.
  24. Nobody will know for sure until the new tax changes are posted in the Royal Gazette. It's all speculation at the moment with people trying to 2nd guess what rules will apply and to whom.
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