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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. How the hell are they going to find out what your worldwide income is? As a expat here. If you have multiple bank accounts in multiple countries, like some people I know and you tell them you have 1 account in 1 country. They have no way of knowing anything different. Totally absurd.
  2. The vile mouth and moron doesn't know the day of the week, let alone what happened 4 years ago because all he talks about is himself. The Dems should concentrate on his mental health as he can only repeat the same old <deleted>, just like his German predecessors did, the Nazis. It's the same old propaganda game of tell them, tell them again and again and very sadly for the unintellectual base, they will believe it...
  3. No doubt the vendor supplying the trays has inside connections or is a company run by army officers, such is the level of corruption
  4. Another one bites the dust. If any single part of the OPs post is true, which I doubt, it beggars belief in this day and age.
  5. Or Taiwan
  6. I use both Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn and have had no Wise transfer issues with either. I have been obtaining a yearly statement from BBL for many years and also have never had a issue with that process. Order statement, pay 200 baht and collect 1 week later.
  7. It's always those that had the advantage of such things as a bursary when given power want to remove the opportunity from future generations. Like the German immigrants son Trump. All I hear from Labour is whining and miserable statement after miserable statement. Nothing positive to be said from them at all. It's no fun living in the UK as a pensioner or for the young under 30. The abyss looms and as I left the place more than 16 years ago to retire here, I am a happy soul.
  8. Last week I hailed a motorcycle taxi at the 2nd road end of Diana outside Kiss restaurant, to return to my hotel near Bongkot. The driver went straight up Diana against the 1 way instead of using Honey. Anyone who thinks that a 1 way on Buakhao will be any different clearly doesn't understand how Thais operate.
  9. And some offices, like my own require it dated the day of extension.
  10. Pink ID card and Yellow book is all I've ever used, Alternative is the wife
  11. Your hygiene maybe good but it's the people making the food that are often the problem. If they are not cleaning (rinsing salads) the food and not washing their hands it doesn't really matter what you do.
  12. Why bother to hold elections in the 1st place when any silly old **** can file a petition with a corrupt organisation to get a polictcal party banned. Thailand really is in the dark ages... The laughing stock of Asia.
  13. Another blot on the corrupt justice system by adding a year to a case that is already 12 years old. No doubt further enticements will be forthcoming, there must be a large bump under the carpet by now...
  14. It's technically the same when using a Cambodian crossing, specifically Chom Chong you pay a fee to bounce on the same day if you don't stay overnight.
  15. Welcome to Thailand the hub of moronic policing and judiciary, the corrupt idiots are dinosaurs in the 21C. How about a report telling everyone how they have damaged the countries reputation..
  16. I've done 1 way tickets in and out without any problems before, on a re entry
  17. Obtaining a healthy and nutritional diet in Thailand is easy and absolutely no different than anywhere else.
  18. Good the convicted military backed Muppet shouldn't even be in any post to do with the government, except as a sewage cleaner
  19. I register everything in my wife's name, subsequently I have no liability...
  20. The guy is a delusional moron and a complete liar, wouldn't even serve his country the Nazi <deleted>.
  21. And we will be reading the same pronouncement next year and the year after etc etc
  22. I was in UD recently and virtually all the bars are open now all be it being low season some are very quiet.
  23. The last PM loses his job because he appointed a convict into a government post. The acting agriculture idiot is a convicted drug smuggler but remains in the government. Only in the amazing hub of corruption, Thailand.
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