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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. The hub of government departmental corruption rears it's ugly head yet again, is anyone really surprised.
  2. More mumbo jumbo that won't result in any tangible benefits, these things are just photo ops.
  3. The current government is so far out of its depth with regard to virtually everything at the moment. There will only be one outcome of conversations with the bloated bureaucracy in Brussels and that will be a overwhelming win for them and yet another own goal for UK business. The damage has been done and there is no way it will be repaired anytime soon. A complete waste of time when there are more pressing domestic issues that need fixing.
  4. Unfortunately the army are a law unto themselves and have zero accountability to anyone, as we see frequently with illegally taking over the country from legally elected governments.
  5. Typically the cost of a private room in a government hospital here in Isaan is 600 baht a night. And usually includes a TV, fridge and ensuite toilet and shower.
  6. They should be charged with manslaughter as the absolute minimum and put in the Hilton for 20 years.
  7. A carbon copy of previous statements that have so far failed to deliver any tangible results. No 3 airport rail link, hasn't even started construction despite being given the go-ahead years ago. All veneer, no substance.
  8. Mail from the UK used to arrive within 2 weeks when I first moved here 16 years ago. Now it's a month if you are lucky, Thai Post are crap.
  9. The vile orange blob who campaigned on statements like 'I am so rich you wouldn't believe it' is now reduced to selling watches to fund his living expenses, such is the depths of the abyss they have sunk to. I can't wait to see the next watch seller turning up at a beer bar with a fake one. It will be just like him, a total fake, hilarious
  10. Sadly nothing will be done because it just goes on and on and on and the government, police do absolutely <deleted> all, as with the 50 plus a day deaths on the roads as a whole, that figure doesn't include the sad loss of life after the accident in hospital.
  11. Absolutely hilarious, the place is a <deleted> show at the best of times so it's all in keeping with the majority of Muppets in it.
  12. We all know he's a coward as he refused to serve when called up. Most bullys are cowards they use it to cover up their own inadequatcys.
  13. She is absolutely right. The word maintenance does not exist in Thailand because they would rather squeeze the last satang from a vehicle before having to spend anything on it.
  14. As the absolute vast majority of the sex industry is to supply the demand from Thai's it seems to be a no brainer. There are no sex tourists where I live but there are many establishments catering for the local population. Those pretending that it doesn't exist are living in denial and in a different world from reality.
  15. There are ways around it but that involves fraud, also the loopholes are being closed down in a recently announced purge on benefits fraud which includes pensions.
  16. The fat short bald Muppet who runs his country is a mental case so he was no doubt copying him...
  17. It obvious it has before the representative colour was red, now it's a vile orange...
  18. It already has and is on a daily basis
  19. I express my own dismay at the very thought a Australian could possibly behave in such a shameful manner...
  20. They can't control their actions because they are drunk, drunken behaviour has no relevance to sober behaviour.
  21. A ongoing farce until some real deterrent is forthcoming but as usual the status quo will soon return with the resumption of the padded envelopes exchanging hands. Another mumbo jumbo meaningless statement from city hall...
  22. The problem is the Muppets in charge are oblivious to anything happening outside of Thailand and will sleep walk into any looming crisis in their tiny, Thailand is the world's hub of everything, minds.
  23. What else do you expect with the political chaos, ever changing laws and rules on how to do anything. The left foot never knows what the right foot is doing because they are only focused on their own bubble, oblivious to all that is happening around them.
  24. Impossible, the country hasn't the resources certainly not within 2 years. If the Army Muppets take over again it will be another lost decade.
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