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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Good luck to them, I sincerely hope they don't meet the fate of their predecessors as I fear there will be major public disturbances if the out of touch corrupt establishment perpetrate the usual tactics of using the equally corrupt courts.
  2. It's time the old fat dinosaur was put out to pasture preferably behind bars.
  3. Any changes will happen with minimal notice usually 3-5 days before becoming law, as usual. We are after all still waiting for clarification of the tax situation which was announced at the end of last year and only 4.5 months left until the end of this one. The new visa rules, like most Thai pronouncements are never thought through properly.
  4. I bet if someone kicked you in the back, you would then be delighted at them paying 2000 baht for the privilege...
  5. Never eat at buffet's, they are a bacterial feast.
  6. Well he was only chosen because he's the perfect lap dog for the vile orange blob, who's just been called out for slagging off veterans, when the coward avoided the draft.
  7. Lock the corrupt fat slob up, he'll surely lose some weight on the Hilton diet. Yet another example of a man and I use the word extremely lightly, perpetrating violence against women. Make a example of him. I hope she files the complaint and doesn't take the bung money.
  8. No doubt the policy was implemented without any consultation with the relevant organisations and some government Muppets decided on their own to favour the MICE segment. More non joined up writing from officials.
  9. At Chom Chong the last time someone did a same day bounce so no overnight stay, the fee was 300 baht, earlier this year. This of course may have changed..
  10. As long as the chinese scum are being fleeced and by their own bloody marvellous
  11. The corrupt military appointed senate, along with the corrupt military aligned judges are a disgrace to the country and it's citizens. Thailand's establishment continues to put themselves first and the future of the nation last.
  12. The last time I heard they wanted 300 baht for same day bounce.
  13. Thailand as a democratic society no longer exists. The corrupt dinosaur establishment will continue to make sure that it continues this way.
  14. Wise is only a card option for those who visit and have a non Thai address. I cannot get a Wise card because I am a non UK resident and live permanently in Thailand. Wise currently don't offer their card to people who live in Thailand.
  15. That's what happens when you dance with the devil. Thais are too stupid and allow it all to happen in the first place because their low level of intelligence and high level of corruption associated with their know it all attitude, instead of learning from the rest of the world whi are already banning ot taxing the <deleted> out of the crap.
  16. Only 3 out of hundreds run by Pakistani and Indian nationals. Presumably the others are coughing up the bung...
  17. Thai heads buried in the sand yet again. The hi so corrupt establishment have achieved their wish through the usual bung giving tactics. Disenfranchising 20 million voters is obviously seen as okay by the dinosaurs who give the young no hope in their future lives.
  18. The dinosaurs rule again. They just can't abide democracy and the will of the people. Thailand and the old guard are back in the dark ages, no hope here for the young.
  19. I don't give a <deleted>
  20. I did a UK wise Xfr to BBL last week, arrived in seconds.
  21. There are no bar closures this weekend, alcohol can be bought in the normal way.
  22. About time CP were made to pay up for their incompetence since they obviously came from their premises. No doubt they as part of the billionaire old guard they will get off Scott free...
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