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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Yes they do my wife's niece runs one in Bangkok.
  2. The term farang has been absorbed into the colloquial language used by many farangs who have lived here along time. It just part of everyday speech, there is nothing pretentious or otherwise about it.
  3. Hugs, socks and keys in the ignition a lovely evening in the family friendly resort.
  4. Pattaya police station is 300 baht according to a friend who lives there.
  5. I have done mine in the local police station and also the village head.
  6. implement preventive measures, abit late for that, RiP to all those families affected. The preventative measures should have been in place before the journey started. Another shoddy bus operation.
  7. Adding another system in April while the current ones are in tatters beggars belief. The track record of IB and government IT systems isn't covered in glory but incompetence.
  8. You can't beat getting your visitors to fill in a form, which is why I do my 90 in person as I don't trust anything that the Muppets come up with as far as technology is concerned.
  9. Very sad tale rip. Reports to the police again going nowhere which might have prevented the victims death. A sad reflection on the reactive policing here.
  10. The BBC should be defunded immediately as it's clearly not fit for purpose and hasn't been for a long time. A shocking waste yet again of taxpayer's and pensioners money.
  11. In other words the corrupt police took the chinese scums money to make it all go away.
  12. With his travel insurance having lapsed before his hospitalisation, A sad tale indeed, I wish them all the best.
  13. A total mess left by the Army after their illegal take over of the country from a democratically elected government. Zero accountability or transparency as you will expect when their not on any citizens ballot paper. A total affront to the nation.
  14. That's Hawaii off the list then, although at the moment I will only travel to Canada, Greenland, Panama and Gaza before the US Nazis try to take over...
  15. All this mumbo jumbo won't effect the ordinary Thai gambler because they are at it already and have been since Somchai made Som Tam as the currently illegal gambling dens are operated by the very people who are supposed to be making sure it doesn't happen...
  16. As he instructed them to shoot, they should have shot the communist and dumped his body back over the border so his family could perform the funeral rights.
  17. Oh my golly gosh, the punkah wallah caught red-handed butterflying 🤣🤣🤣
  18. I don't envy expat newbies now as there are increasingly more hoops to jump through to get on a stable footing here. I'm glad I came when I did and you could do so much with hardly any difficulties.🙏
  19. I paid 300 baht at the local police station last time.
  20. So much for Trump's and the US anti terrorist policy, they can't tell who is who and are actually educating the scum. Musk should sack the entire immigration department for dereliction of duty and then everyone will be free to enter, 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Wrong, I have and my friends have filed and have been told nothing to pay. Also we filed because it might transpire in the future that tax returns filed could be a requirement to obtain a 1 year visa extension. And as this is the 1st year you would need to produce them from this year onwards. This most likely highlights the ignorance of the many offices around the country just like different IB offices ask for documents others don't when applying for visa extensions etc
  22. Slipped only 1 place so they must have missed some data from Nakhon somewhere...
  23. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful conduct from the Kur yet again. All public servants are paid for by the taxpayer and transparency is the norm in democracy. The guy is clearly trying to run some sort of anti democratic government sweeping scandal after scandal under the carpet or at least trying to...
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