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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Another victory for the visa free entry Muppets allowing these high class scum spending no rupees on hotels.
  2. As far as I know 0800 numbers are only available in the UK, not internationally. For example my bank has a 0800 number as do other companies agencies I deal with but they all provide a international number for overseas callers, alongside the UK 0800 free number.
  3. The usual pathetic launch of a Thai procedure that offers more questions than answers, can they get any dumber?
  4. Not in the local shop in my village, I sat there and had a couple of Leo's on Saturday afternoon, nobody batted a eyelid. Business as normal.
  5. Yes I do and when you use K Plus on the 17th February and after you will get a message, if required, to follow the process. You will only get the message if your details don't match. If your SIM and bank name details are the same you shouldn't have to do anything.
  6. You can see male Thais peeing in public everyday of the week, I don't see any outcry from their fellow citizens about that, kettle calling the pot black...
  7. Never trust the corrupt CCP in any circumstances.
  8. Gross incompetence of the 1st degree, China's agenda is only about stealing for their benefit and not the benefit of others. Just look at all the debt built up by Sri Lanka, Laos etc
  9. Appears no locked safe in the room either, as that would have made his valuables hardy to get at, if indeed the story isn't a Jackanory...
  10. A truly desperate duo of incompetence having had many years to get it right they have shot themselves in the foot from day 1, not only with pensioners and business tax hikes but scandal after scandal just like the conservatives.
  11. I am a everyday driver and won't be transitioning to hybrid, electric or whatever unless is made compulsory.
  12. And how many unregistered residents are there, probably more than registered so that stat is utter nonsense.
  13. Thanks Wingnut, I plan on doing my filing next month and was going to include my bank statements in case they asked for them.
  14. Well as the form has a box for a official stamp to be put in, I for one wouldn't risk sending it back without a stamp for a fickle DWP to reject the form and then stop my payments. You of course are welcome to do as you see fit.
  15. Hardly a shock in the land of corruption, bribes, can't bring murderers to justice etc etc
  16. Until people are heavily fined or jailed it will continue unabated. Vast tracks of land are owned by so called influential people and therefore the blind eye approach, as the back handers are received... The small holder rarely listens to such pronouncements.
  17. And l perhaps a charge of drunk and disorderly a night out two in the cells to sober up with a hefty fine and them given a lift to the airport and wave bye bye
  18. If you tick the long term stay option then they apply the foreign transfer code and this makes the process longer. ( For people doing extensions using monthly income the IB like the FTT code on your bank statement) Typically if I transfer at 7am to Wise the money arrives in my Bangkok bank account at 2pm the same day. If I tick the personal expenses option it's instant.
  19. I received mine on Friday and it's from DWP not HMRC. They are sent out randomly about every 2 years in my experience.
  20. And then of course they would be jumping in cars or on motorcycles to further carry out their duties and to go home after their shift, thereby endangering the public even more. A Utter disgrace.
  21. I am sure the jail in Peking will be equally deluxe...
  22. DHL has always worked for me.
  23. Lock him up in Klong Prem for the rest of the sc*** life and see how he enjoys waking up there...
  24. Anutin might as well order some Som Tam because any orders he issue's about burning won't reach the ears of farmers in Nakhon Nowhere. And even if they did hear his order they would ignore it. Unless they start dragging farmers into the courts to pay hefty fines then it will continue.
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