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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. I would give it a miss and stay in Udon or KK if you want some barstool company.
  2. I haven't any recent experience but I have used the Hann facilities previously along with a friend of mine and we both have received excellent treatment there.
  3. But you can watch them on Truevisions.
  4. Nice to know that they seem to be thriving, cubs and all.
  5. He's clearly been to Nuts ganja farm, the booze was flowing in my village yesterday.
  6. With the financial requirements the pool will be very small indeed, it's just another headliner for the Muppets to tout.
  7. RIP to the innocent victims and their families.
  8. UK expats here are no different to the other 500 thousand who if non resident have their state pension frozen. Essential to have a company/private pension that increases yearly with the CPI index. The OP rises here seem disproportionate. My recent spending is certainly up but only slightly.
  9. With these sort of absurd schemes why not rebrand the Immigration department as the anti-immigration department...
  10. As it's not contained elsewhere the Thais have no chance.
  11. Can you recommend the quality cheap brands of Chinese made thongs please.
  12. Why not just have one national road department? Oh, sorry that would mean less of a cut from the budget for the current crop of departments overseeing their own road building projects.
  13. Banks are definitely closed yesterday and today and again on the 28th. Branches in malls may well be open. The 15th and 29th are also holidays and are listed on the bank of Thailand's website but sometimes branches do open on these added extra days.
  14. With the incomprehensible sentencing coming from the Thai courts, I think it's more than ganja those folks are taking.
  15. And many of the thousands will be Burmese who haven't been vaccinated against covid, so you can blame the government for any surge in cases as a result.
  16. Since when have the Muppets in charge ever told the truth.
  17. Hardly news to those that live here that the BiB are involved in corruption or the drug trade and you can add just about every other illegal activity to those.
  18. As soon as I saw the prices of tickets announced I just knew that it was going to be one of those Thai fiascos.
  19. Sadly most fires now are the result of the awful installation of electrical cables, often twisted together with tape. I always try to stay on a low floor in a Thai hotel but of course that's no guarantee of getting out but perhaps reduces the odds of being trapped.
  20. And if there is he's to blame for adding an extra days holiday to make a 5 day break. Idiot. As if the country needs more holidays in the current economic crisis. And they done the same on the 29th to create a 4 day break.
  21. Another double barrel in both feet from the BiB, despite how welcoming and helpful their chief said they would be just a few days ago. Buster Keaton couldn't make it up.
  22. The stench of corruption can be sensed from here. Police granting bail, 200k upped to 1M and no doubt the inevitable misunderstanding, followed by a wai will resolve the issue.
  23. There are many thousands of Thai teachers supporting large families.
  24. Another blow to those struggling at the foot of the ladder, no compassion coming from the Muppets in charge as usual because they don't give a **** about ordinary people. No schemes to help them but plenty of dosh for submarines with no engines and time to allow foreign aircraft to fly into Thai airspace to bomb civilians. Disgraceful.
  25. The ganja fiasco continues, soon there will be so many can't do this or that caveats added they might as well ban it.
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