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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. It seems airlines are now about as ethical as the Thai government. Thai Smile recently cancelled all their flights from Roi Et. Although refunds have been given in the instance I am aware of.
  2. And his own organisation is one of the major facilitators in the the illegal business of firearms but of course the usual navel gazing statements will continue with little real action taken along with the lack of action generally from the BiB as they don't really want interruptions to their business activities.
  3. Surely it should also in tandem be about quality, in the hub of nobody fails most students are churned out with very little in the way of quality skills needed to substantially impact the nation's economic performance.
  4. Surely it should be moving the country backwards as per his lack of any form of intelligence, economic understanding and the plight of ordinary citizens.
  5. Both institutions bring shame on the nation with their total disregard for any honesty, transparency and duty to serve the people. They should have the R stripped from their title as their corrupt practices are a national disgrace.
  6. The wild wild West of Thailand in Isaan. Many years ago we had youths from another village pitch up at a festival and I saw at least 2 holding pistol's at the side of our temple. I told the police and they chased them off firing a couple of shots over their heads for good measure as they fled across the paddies. Caused quite a stir for a few days after too. Never had another incident since.
  7. Could his repudiation of the royal endorsement be construed as LM...
  8. I too avoid at all costs driving in the dark, it's treacherous enough in broad daylight. However many of the main roads around Yaso are or have been dualled and many sections have lighting so things are improving especially when compared to 10 years ago when I first came here to Yaso.
  9. From what I understand he no longer has any Influence on army matters as the new chief has him sidelined and has the ear of HM.
  10. I approached my Thai bank several years ago to ask about a CC. I was told I had sufficient funds to be given one but when it was explained to me that using it would mean money was used from my account to pay for the purchases, I immediately pointed out that was a debit card. No. No they said it would be a credit card. I said but your using my money in deposit not giving me money from your account to use and pay back later. At that point I could see there was no point and politely withdrew from the discussion. I have no idea if this is still the case but suspect it probably is. Perhaps someone has more recent information.
  11. Looks like we'll be receiving the wife's relative's and their vehicles as refugees again then here in Isaan. Their houses in Nonthaburi were under a metre of water last time.
  12. I have experienced the same from the uneducated south Asian tourists as well in a hotel I stayed at pre covid. I don't stay there anymore.
  13. The citizens pay the price for everything here because the Muppets in power being army men don't understand how to run an economy as all they have learnt is how to order people about a parade square.
  14. I think it's obvious that the pieman is not in full control and will be consulting with the miserable defense minister behind the scenes, even though his time has come.
  15. At my office your wife must be with when you submit the visa extension paperwork. One set from you and signed by you and my wife has a set that she signs. No wife no extension. Your office of course might be different but I would definitely ask before hand.
  16. 30 days to stuff the envelopes then...
  17. And no mention of how much his promotion is worth in brown envelopes, 555
  18. Well let's face it the incumbents in charge are really soft, around the belly and elsewhere so it's not really news. The 3 Ps are all about pies and too many of them have been scoffed. The rest of the world doesn't give a t o s s.ï
  19. It just goes to show how pathetic they are with all this self indulgent back slapping and bigging up their policing skills when in reality everyone knows what a bunch of keystone cops they really are.
  20. I take mine to the nearest LPG station and ask them to fill it up. Most have the adaptor for bottle's as well as for cars.
  21. My stock answer is I've been living here for the last 10 years so have no requirement for a 'tour guide' is an effective way of saying p*** off in my experience.
  22. Here in Isaan only a small fraction of the population earn anywhere near 50k and as it contains the majority of the Thai population I suspect that no calls were made to folk living up here.
  23. Hardly news in the police hub of corruption.
  24. And one wonders how much she coughed up to get her overage uneducated position.
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