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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. The so called guards are untrained uneducated numpties who only skill is blowing a whistle.
  2. As the court is a proxy of the government there will only be one outcome...
  3. Another Too shambles, defence, borders leaking like a sieve as usual, Burmese bombers using Thai airspace to kill innocent civilians, disgraceful failure in defending the Kingdom.
  4. On the subject of quality, how about the citizens deserving a quality police force, rather than one that bleats on about 3 horn beeps whilst driving and filling their wallets at checkpoints every day etc etc
  5. Another sad tale and even more shame for the Thai justice system that another wealthy murderer can stump up half a million baht and walk after killing 2 people.
  6. More cronyism from the brothers at arms, they should be kicking the Burmese stiff out not boosting trade with tyrants.
  7. Thai justice at it's very best as usual, hardly a surprising outcome.
  8. The BiB snoozing on the job again in the world class family resort. Another disgraceful episode.
  9. I treat myself to a bottle of chateau delicious every weekend, regardless of the silly price.
  10. On my way into town from my Isaan village I pass an ancient temple. Because I cannot wai whilst driving, I was told by by wife that I should beep the horn 3 times, as do other passing motorists. The BiB should be concentrating on other safety matters like non wearing of helmets etc etc????
  11. Just another example of the illiteracy and incompetence of those billionaire cronies of Too who are clueless Muppets running the country.
  12. Here in the bowels of Isaan I just use my local internet/printing shop who are a Kerry agent. Never had a problem with them or the Kerry service, everything handled professionally.
  13. I've just come back from a week in Pattaya. No mention of Vax status at the hotel upon checking in or anywhere else I visited. I heard that you did need to show proof of Vax to enter the music festival arena. Many people not wearing masks when out and about but some shops request you do. Generally busy at the weekends for bars and restaurants but Mon, Tues, Weds was alot quieter. The Indians didn't really seem to be in one specific place but around most of the town. I stayed just off Soi Buakhao and they were visible in the street but not in the bars and they usually stick to their own restaurants, run by their brothers. Definitely alot busier than my previous visit in April, quite a few Aussies coming in when I was there. Enjoy.
  14. More daylight robbery from the poor Thai taxpayer and a complete waste as no one takes any notice of the Muppets anymore.
  15. TAT, the world hub of proposals, hot air, predictions, estimates and no substance. A completely clueless, useless organisation that should be totally scrapped.
  16. Thaksin is clearly out of touch the judiciary here is just a nodding dog for the government and has completely lost any form of independence and justice making decisions are a shambles.
  17. Clearly suffering himself from Too much greed and mental derangement, as is the case with all usurpers and dictator's and anti democracy Muppets.
  18. The old Thai blame game, everyone else's fault and I'll issue a defamation case against you if you think it's my fault. Utterly pathetic.
  19. Very low quality pointing in my opinion. The guy clearly needs lessons. Dumping rubbish in Thailand is a national pastime, including the tossing of stuff out of car windows along the express way.
  20. Easy solution, just reduce the amount of noodles per pack as I have seen in other produce and the Muppets can't do a thing.
  21. Loyalties in Thailand change according to the amount of money on offer, not on anything else.
  22. Unfortunately for the victim's it's the old endemic corruption from top to bottom that ruins ordinary citizens lives here in the hub of no law enforcement because of the bribe. Total incompetence from the authorities as we are regrettably used too on a daily basis.
  23. A very tragic story, my thoughts and prayers go out to the young lady and all others effected by this awful ordeal.
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