Surely by using a lawyer for a modest fee there are no problems such as mentioned above.
I paid 6000 baht for mine with the lawyers acting as executor.
Peace of mind.
Look at the price of steel here. Shooting up daily.
Article today in the Bangkok Post predicts larger increases to come so if you've got a building job on the horizon, I would buy the steel for it now.
I can see banana republic similarities with Thailand's justice system here.
Absolutely disgusting but as the US has the biggest human trafficking problem in the world it's hardly a surprise, although they still like to get on their high horse and preach to the rest despite not fixing their own backyard, as usual.
Why anyone would listen to the US beggars belief.
Thai's live in the here and now as is inherent in Bhuddism, so what happens today is considered to be the priority which effects their karma and progression into their after life.
So now the lazy corrupt force are getting citizens who pay their salaries to now go out and confront druggies who are probably armed with guns.
Just un <deleted> believable.
The verdict is so predictable as by now the envelopes have been received the contents banked with a court whose members who owe their positions to the Too.
The Thai culture revolves around the here and now as taught by Buddhism, do the future doesn't really exist as those of us who try to plan ahead here already know.
Another arrogant piece of s c u m who's it for his benefit at the expense of actually teaching kids and of course the taxpayers who fund his salary and the facilities for the children's benefit.
I fail to see if his term was posted in the royal gazette how there can be any objections to the start date, especially in view of the suspended Muppets statements on the sanctity of the institution publishing it.
An amusing tale and quite probable bearing in mind that people there can get jobs although completely unqualified, just look at the government, with a few senior contacts in the right places and are only found out when a maid is abused.
Thai society is full of patronage and forelock tugging in case you didn't know.
Hard luck and visit Vietnam and other countries in SE Asia instead.
From what I see locally here in Isaan, I wouldn't trust the vast majority.
Most don't follow the major rules of Buddhism, smoke, drink, handle money etc etc