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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. There is no such thing as justice here and the generals are usually quaking when with their Mia Noi's...
  2. Nothing is crystal clear if alcohol and other substances were involved.
  3. Wacky baccy for the wacky government MPs, makes perfect sense now, that's why they haven't a clue what's going on.
  4. I hope the Cambodians isolate him without medical treatment and then let's see how many fingers he's got the piece of ****.
  5. In the boonies here in Isaan they are alot younger than 14 riding motorcycles/scooters. Tragically riding the above whilst on the phone is seen as some sort of rite of passage and happens daily. Do politicians care, absolutely not, nor do the police or anybody else in authority here. The slaughter will continue, unfortunately, unabated.
  6. No doubt the ganja promoting health minister will soon have them in a retirement plan.
  7. Couldn't care less, haven't flown with them in more than 20years. Overpriced tickets, <deleted> service and grumpy unfriendly staff.
  8. They can charge what they like, whether customers will continue to pay is upto them. Same for any business, if word gets out and people stop coming then they will only have themselves to blame.
  9. Yet another numpty trying to claw back from the disaster that is the Thai justice system.
  10. Hardly comes as a surprise because of the paranoid anti democracy Muppets in power have done everything they can to stifle opposition to their corrupt and illegitimate regime from day one.
  11. I wonder if an order for VIP chairs has been placed...
  12. Apart from the millions of his voters, particularly in The North East where most Thai elections are decided.
  13. Smart and 4.0 are not to be used when talking about the BiB, especially in the same sentence. I thought it was widely known that most CCTV cameras aren't connected to anything and are purely for show. They are a bunch of useless Muppets no doubt waiting for the business to cross their palms with the usual envelopes stuffed with...
  14. Documenting these things will just increase the pile of useless paperwork accumulating in government offices, with little or no action being taken. Thailand the world paperwork hub.
  15. What did anyone expect from a corrupt incompetent clueless dumb billionaire.
  16. There is no such thing as a TAT plan, as they change their minds just as quickly as the wind changes direction.
  17. He wouldn't care if they worked 172 hours straight as he's only interested in himself.
  18. Unfortunately for the woman, RIP, that's what happens when you give someone a ridiculous sentence of 6 years for murder, it should have been 26. More shame on the pathetic Thai 'justice' system.
  19. Hardly surprising from the Muppet usurpers of democracy.
  20. Thailand 2.0, 4.0 what a joke and they even have a ministry of digital economy, what are those Muppets doing, nothing as they are probably drowning in the same paperwork... The world hub of inefficiency.
  21. I believe it has just recently opened as there was a report that trains were running through to there again.
  22. Well it's highly likely there will be a surge as it's surged elsewhere. Meanwhile the brainless Muppets keep increasing the number of bank/government holidays thereby encouraging people to socially gather. Instead of cancelling them and helping prevent major outbreaks, they then start blaming the citizens for their ridiculous decisions. Muppetery at its best.
  23. The corrupt Czar of Thailand who does nothing but fill his bank account at the taxpayers expense.
  24. And the lion's share goes into a fund never to be seen again, as usual.
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