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Everything posted by SportRider

  1. The bad news is your immunity is only to the one type of Dengue you had; you can still get the other three! By the way, regards the earlier posts re Bangkok.. I got Dengue in KL a few years ago.. and I hadn't left the city centre for a long while. They also have dengue outbreaks in other conurbations eg Singapore. I can't see Bangkok being any different.
  2. Yes this is the way .. I have Gmail accounts for UK, UAE, Thailand, and Singapore.. Just select the country I want in Play Store.
  3. Use an app like Waze for detailed directions and timings. If you need to view a navigation or other app from a location different to where you are right now, use a GPS spoofer or emulator to trick your phone.
  4. I'll pay for quality, not for brand. Marks and Spencer's shirts, Next jeans, Skechers shoes. Nonexistent/below the radar branding but quality and built to last.
  5. Pain is a message, listen to it. I had a knee injury many years ago that prevents me running, and for me too cycling gets painful. Walking suits me perfectly - my machine has adjustable incline. Set it to 15% uphill and as brisk walking speed as you can manage. As well as your heart, your leg muscle groups will really tell you about it.. (Lifts a saggy as.s too!)
  6. 5 jabs... 2x Sinopharm plus three Pfizer. Covid twice.. Delta last year, and a different variant recently. Still have a cough but testing negative now.
  7. I check where the exits are routinely, and would think others do too. I also check where the fire exit is when I check into a new hotel room, and count the doors down the corridor so I can feel my way to the exit in the dark if ever needs be. Not joking.
  8. Could be many good reasons, eg. Price, especially for groups. Own cooking - especially for those with special dietary needs not easily accommodated in restaurants. (And, no 'joiners' fee, perhaps? Ahem.)
  9. Depends how fast the girl was driving (and also weight of the bike, to be technically correct)
  10. Violence is everywhere and always has been. Just luck and circumstance on how close it comes to us. It's possible to get oversensitised or undersensitised to reports. Eg when you buy a new car, suddenly you notice the same model more often on the roads. Many years ago, a Thai lady stabbed her husband to death in the street right outside my house. Literally. In Woking, UK. http://www.blackkalendar.nl/c/14126/Porn Enticknap
  11. I think it's slightly misleading to say the advanced economies don't care about the developing world. Most intelligent people do care. It's the idiot do-gooders who bully policymakers into rushed decisions. I'm talking about the demonstrators who hold society to ransom with their stupid protests that affect ordinary people (UK is a big victim of this). And people like you-know-who teenager who has the world stage but she wants immediate action! There are huge huge resources both financial and intellectual being applied to the transition.
  12. I think the initial proposition needs some clarification about scale of inflation. Economists actually like modest inflation and central banks plan for it, eg around 2pc pa. So inflation will 'persist' indefinitely in this environment, regardless of whether we agree or not with the points raised. If we're talking about the decades-high inflation currently, it will come down again but will take a serious programme of rate rises to get there (tinkering with the demand side). The only uncertainty is how long and how deep the created recession will be.
  13. I have a long history of sleeping problems. Melatonin 10mg works well most of the time for me but is unreliable. On nights when I *really* need to sleep it doesn't do anything. Makes me think there's a placebo effect at least in part. If I've nothing to do the next day, Atarax knocks me out and get a good night's sleep but I'll likely feel drowsy the next or at least take longer than usual to be fully alert in the morning. Atarax is an antihistamine and I think is prescription only, but I've never had much problem buying in Thailand. In the past I have been prescribed Stilnox and it is brilliant. 10mg tablet gives solid 8 hrs. And for me it's 'clean' ie no side effects and feel great in the morning. But but but don't drink alcohol if you're taking Stilnox. It can interact and make you do crazy things you have no memory of. (Google re 'Ambien' in USA for properly crazy stories what people do.) Stilnox is also prescription only. But I think you can also find it 'over the counter' (ahem) in Thailand.
  14. OP you know where the money went because the recipient account number will be on your statement. This should make it easy for the police to track and maybe even recover. This seems like the obvious first step. Thinking about insurance would be a last resort - even if there is insurance in place, they'll want to know that every possible attempt at recovery has been taken.
  15. Self evidently... My context was obvious. I used to take crisp £50 notes to Jakarta... In the early 90’s the only way to purchase local currency.
  16. Thailand is catching up with other places that are moving to cashless. The 'tap and go' payment method is much quicker when most of society is adapted to it. Very quick and easy in petrol stations, supermarkets and stores, etc - every retail place. In UAE it's common not to carry or use cash at all. But they don't have proper tap and go in Thailand - they still request an onscreen signature - even a PIN would be better and more secure. The fx issue is a real pain if you don't have a THB credit or debit card. But tourists have always had these costs.
  17. I'm coming this month - 9 months since my last booster, so just got another in case they want to inspect certificates.
  18. Interestingly, Singha is one of the best value beers you can buy in the UAE licenced stores. Yesterday I bought a pack of 12 cans each of 490ml, for AED 75 (which is about THB 726 at today's rates). Cranking the numbers that makes 12x0.49=5.88 litres for THB 726, Ie THB 123.5 per litre. Not a bad deal at all, here in Abu Dhabi!
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