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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. See this is what is good about forum food topics, never heard of this place, thanks.
  2. that, looks good, now I'm hungry.
  3. I purchased delicious Indian food from a local home across the road for a year, until I noticed big rats running along exposed ceiling pipes, which were above the food prep area. I was pretty much 3% rat urine spray/feces during that time.. but that lady (with help of the rats ) made the best madras, and on a side note, had the hairiest legs I've seen in a long time.
  4. come on man, don't make me search for pictures of UK hookers vs pictures of Thai hookers. You should see the ads google is already sending my way after that whole ladyboy thing.
  5. Stop Wonders of World dropping, sheesh. teehee
  6. He's having fun, and why not. You could fall down a hole tomorrow, or have a pickup truck drop on your head from 4 floors up, or get hit by an exploding ping pong ball. It's Thailand, dealers choice.
  7. They'll be able to find all the prostitution now. Well done.
  8. Good luck to them. Support the Arts! Someone here keeps on slipping hub into every article they can to annoy methinks. Good Job!
  9. Someone eat that rice so Yingluck can come home.
  10. International media is digging in, some people here are going to be pissed.
  11. No way he's doing this solo, Elon must of neural-linked him, and somebody else is going to be in the pilots seat on the night.
  12. What were all the other women incarcerated for I wonder.
  13. I've done the same thing in GTA. No fatalities, very lucky.
  14. just a pair of typical Thai farm girls I'd say..
  15. Was it like in the movies where you had to keep making various excuses to leave, and then race back and forth between both on the same night? That would be hard to pull off.
  16. This is a good point, there was a discussion somewhere about this, something akin to a Ted Talk. Basically the majority of old structures will never give way to something new, the core religions of the world will brook no opposition or interference. If Jebus was to arrive tomorrow he would definitely have to lean heavily on the magic miracles, and even if he raised someone from the dead again, or stopped bullets like Neo, they would still say he is not our the guy. Governments also don't like miracles, it makes the nervous, it gives people ideas and makes them uppity. I'm not stating here that one thing is real and another is not, how the heck would I know. All I see as I've gotten older is that many have made/convinced themselves that we are the pinnacle of creation, the darling favorite of the divine, and we know how the cosmos/existence works. We're such imaginative rascals.
  17. and why is Thai Bridgette Bardot with them dressed for a debutante ball?
  18. Big Religion does not like competition?
  19. It's starting to look a little culty.. I'm just saying. As soon as they start talking about magic and other planes of existence and the beings therein, whilst wearing matching jackets.
  20. humans in large groups are just f🙊king stupid, and the stupid scales up as the group gets larger.
  21. So long as you include some sport themed porn you're going to be okay.
  22. anyway, no matter how you look at it, moving ten buffalo is going to get noticed by somebody surely.
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