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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. So, how did all those million+ turnover platforms react to their demands I wonder. Or do they already report in other countries and Siam is late to the party?
  2. oh no, you've definitely created a mob of enemies. muahahaha
  3. Can't we all agree that we all suck, to some degree? Except for Sheryl, she's cool. Helped with a secret rash one time.
  4. I'm holding in one now for the planet.. you're welcome.
  5. Yes, this, they should only be allowed to use euphemisms, the dirty hippies. A Vegetation Roll A Tofu tube Nutty nuggets I'm kidding of course, I for one embrace my non deodorant using, knotted hair, weird breath smell, brothers, sisters and all who don't identify as such. teehee, kidding.. or am I
  6. Can you be in every category at the same time?
  7. Sure, so long as it's organic.
  8. Not to mention her L'Oreal hair is going to get caught in a fan or something.. But, more power to her, go kick some guys buts while looking hot and make bank on social media. This however looks more interesting: Fat Bastard vs Red Widow
  9. Humans - very concerned with the usage to which others deploy their genitals - very concerned with the usage to which others put their stomachs from the Handbook: Indeed, these two areas of biological activity are the source of much speculation, debate, and even conflict among the human population. Volumes have been written on the proper and improper utilization of these critical anatomical features. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy can offer little practical advice on navigating these peculiar human fixations. The best recommendation is to remain calm, abstain from judgment, and remember that the physiological habits of others are ultimately of little consequence in the vast cosmos. Resist the urge to concern yourself overmuch with the private functions of your fellow sentient beings.
  10. I've said this before, carry a plastic bag, it has to be crumpled, full of other plastic bags. For more effect tie it to a belt loop.
  11. My father lives there now, on one of the islands, loves it.
  12. No attacking, just curious, do they still buy into the Merit system?
  13. The BRICS countries rely considerably on trade with G7 nations for their import and export revenues. Significantly reducing this dependence would be difficult and potentially harmful to their economies. Not impossible but it would not be a smooth process. However many of the member nations are not known for listening to their constituents so any outcry will be ignored.
  14. Great, giant irradiated monitor lizards running around everywhere.
  15. But how does the better half find the time though, there are picket fences that need building if I recall.
  16. Checked again this morning, Wise have now added. Keep in mind — It can take up to 2 working days for <recipient> bank to credit the account. Which I've seen before but it wasn't displayed yesterday. If I email them they will only point to that and say yes, our part is done/final, this is a bank delay. It's a waiting game now.
  17. Same, more than a year with only a few hiccups, and now seconds turns into 12 hours, turns into 24 hours. Same currency same amount, same recipient bank with Remitly a few minutes later, instant every time. I have a transaction created over 24 hours ago, was supposed to be seconds, just now I checked, it is sitting somewhere between Wise and the recipient bank. Wise marked it as paid. Wise have a tendency to always blame the recipient bank when I email/annoy them. They however never have a problem speed-wise taking the money out of my account. 😉
  18. Where are my grandchildren? Grandchildren come to grandpa.
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