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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. The trick from watching those agents is to also deliver a dozen boxes of quality oranges on a hand trolley. The nice ones in the fancy packaging. That appears to be the currency of the realm at CW, every time I've been someone is wheeling in oranges, into an immigration back office. Certainly there is other fruit but oranges is where it's at.
  2. I hear they are already taking bets on how long to the next c-word.
  3. But, but Uncle P was clear in his Time magazine front cover article. "I had no choice, I didn't want to, but Siam was teetering on the brink of oblivion, I had to step up and save my country and its people/children." - it was more or less this in the article.
  4. I once walked the earth dispensing justice with the open hand, at that time I was known as dung beetle.
  5. He was sent home yesterday, I'm calling body double.
  6. Yeah, the old wise ones of my adopted clan say nothing will change here, unless it starts snowing or while a bowl of food can be had for 30 baht somewhere. They also have the reincarnation wild card, you never know what you'll get next. I have a UK educated electrical engineer Thai relative, he remains concerned that if he screws up he's coming back as some sort of beetle. I have a lot of follow up questions for him but I'm told it will only piss him off.
  7. Going with the classic neck brace I see, bold choice. Even through the dark tinted window I can tell they saved his hair colour.
  8. I refer to it as the Arts & Crafts portion of the application.
  9. It's stupid, because you could draw any configuration of streets with the correct street name. However, just do it, no point in pissing off an already sufficiently pissed person. Don't forget the stick people (with smiles) and a banana for scale.
  10. Make up an outrageous but plausible back story/history, to tell other expats.
  11. You had me at "a discount buffet". Sure I'm a stiff, and it's true I do enjoy a bout of extreme "do nothing". But discounted buffets.. come on.
  12. There is an open top version available now too
  13. In other countries where this is happening, or at least being reported, almost every government refuses to state or acknowledge the underlying economical reasons. PR teams appear to have been very clear about that.
  14. Can these people come too Anutin? I'm sure they would love to share in all your political associate's bonhomie, the sharing of food brings everyone together in Thainess
  15. The only person in Thailand that matters has his back.
  16. I bet the Thai gf was telling him "you're going to get us killed, stop honking"
  17. 99% chance she has ignored the torture/abuse on past occasions, this (stepfather) behaviour is rarely out of the blue. He wants the old gone because his is on the way. That boy will go missing, or if not, is bound for a terrible life when the new arrives.
  18. Will there be/Was a doctors assessment performed? Did they photograph and document the existing injuries? Will there be follow up checks? That poor little boy, only 4 and already leading a life full of fear and confusion.
  19. wait, was it already a mystical village or did the people passing mysteriously from lethal death make it mystical?
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