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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. It will be glorious, the klongs will run with milk and honey.
  2. It was fun while it lasted.. but no surprise.
  3. Haven't one or two of them have stated in the murky past the Thai people are like children, they need to be guided, we do what we must. etc etc. Their overall opinion of the general voting populace seems to be: inconsequential. Protests and general unrest? sure go ahead, complete our narrative for us and we press the reset button again.
  4. It's a time honoured tradition, and kind of expected, it's called a balcony pop.
  5. It has been reported that he was shouting/singing the national anthem at the same time. /fact check: not true
  6. yeah, but who holds the laptop when they're sitting three deep on the family official immigration scooter.
  7. It's a public forum, let's be honest, none of us are solving world problems in here with our witty, hurriedly typed, copied and pasted "first page of google search" responses. Many of which are typed whilst sitting on ???? maybe?? And worgeordie is correct, Liverpool Lou will be along shortly with two pages of "sorting you lot out" You can summon him easily enough. Just state a "fact" you feel in your heart to be true about living in Thailand. ..and sound very definite about it. ...all in good fun, just kidding.
  8. “I'd far rather be happy than right any day." "And are you?" "No. That's where it all falls down, of course." "Pity", said Arthur. "It sounded like rather a good lifestyle otherwise.”
  9. isn't there is one very big card left to play?
  10. I can't claim to be as impressive as all that, but I am really really ridiculously good looking... so I get by. Well that and the rumour I started about only "looking" like a down and out hobo clown, but that I'm actually secret wealthy millionaire Hollywood director.
  11. You're having a bad time, it's getting you down, we get it. It is however a forum so things can get a tad barbed in tone. Try a Reset Whenever a taxi driver attempts to take me on a 3 hour tour of the best road in Bangkok instead of my normal 5 minute journey, I fight down the urge to strangle the living sh????t out them.. Instead when I can, I drive to my ancient aunty in-laws farm to clear weeds and help with anything overgrown for the day. Sure, it's exhausting, hot and you get laughed at a lot by the relatives and neighbours but there is something to be said for physical labour to clear mind and body. The body clearing part is from the overdoing it in the sun and somehow getting diarrhea from heat exposure. Stay hydrated people. - the number of times I get scammed by taxi drivers ensures the fields remain clear for most of the year. bastards -
  12. Would it be considered bad form if I was to make a "I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." comment.
  13. maybe he was coming home from a get together, got horny, forgot where he was... and got a little overzealous when trying to keep the party going... we've all been there. hard rock, pattaya
  14. Also, they always have the wherewithal to remove their clothes first.
  15. hey.. that's Mr Bottom of the Barrel thank you. I didn't work this hard to get to the bottom to be dissed by you lot, geez. That said, I've never been to Pattaya, they say the women there are scantily clad and their company can be easily acquired for a single doubloon. ...I sadly have no doubloons.
  16. ..and then there is the ongoing, and in some respects, specialised maintenance. It may look like a train but it isn't a train.
  17. if a certain event takes place prior to everything being settled will it mean another 12 months of delay out of respect?
  18. The concept has been around for decades.. apparently British statesman Winston Churchill wrote: "We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium."
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