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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. wasn't there a land-bridge back then or something ????
  2. hang on, didn't that usually bring shame on the loser of face, and then they would end themselves privately, even nobly, due to said shame and dishonour? wait wait, I forgot it's Thailand, were Buddhism isn't Buddhism, democracy isn't democracy and losing face is stabbing your ex significant other to death...
  3. How much does the Privy Council pay, and why is there a council for outdoor toilets?
  4. Down boy, remember thy leash.
  5. oh that's easy.. Oh Omnipotent One, why did you let so many nameless children with no power of their own, suffer, be tortured horribly, starved, abused in every way and then have their lives ended horribly for almost all of human history? You are omniscient, you felt all their pain and terrifying fear up until their very ending, and you watched silently, why?
  6. Humans have no clue as to what is really going on but we are very good at making stuff up. cats however, those furry bastards, they know something...
  7. His name is Cookie. This is a problem everywhere.
  8. the breakfast of champions
  9. My Italian uncle has done that for all his life, it granted him the ability to fart on command and the health of an ox. The guy has serious old man strength too.
  10. Tim, be quiet, we don't want the circus to notice us. Acting tough to protect Siam from foreign infidels is an easy go-to headline grabber for some here.
  11. Is it just me or do they almost all use the same marinade? I've found many seem to have the same taste, unless I buy something that is clay pot cooked.
  12. Moving out but keeping a set of keys.. you know just in case.
  13. This is correct, I'm full of these things right now just by reading the article. All this talk of woggling and toggling. my my I do declare
  14. He's still alive for sure.
  15. Just start wearing costumes.. let's see just how far he's willing to go for love. And start being more "theatrical".
  16. We just don't understand... He is Siam and Siam will restore and heal him over time, magic probably.
  17. And a former police officer to boot... see there's hope for everyone, a true rags to riches story, pulled himself up by his own bootstraps he did.
  18. The wealthy are just better and smarter than everyone else.. what are going to do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. There was no real danger, he was leasing the pistol too and couldn't afford bullets.
  20. Transporting toddlers and babies in arms while riding four deep on a busted ass scooter with no tread doing 70kph on the highway is still okay, don't worry. Were sidecars, at least, ever a thing here?
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