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Mutt Daeng

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Everything posted by Mutt Daeng

  1. Thanks @oxo1947. I'll have a look at that. Season 1 complete is on TGx, 1337x, TheRARBG etc
  2. Just finished Crá season 1 and I enjoyed it. It was recommended by @oxo1947 last year. I just got round to watching it. It's on TheRARBG.
  3. Unforgotten season 6 - complete package is on TGx.
  4. Thanks @oxo1947. The Vanishing Triangle Season 1 complete is also on TGx, 1337x & TheRARBG
  5. Unforgotten season 6 complete now on TGx.
  6. Come on chaps, let's keep our cool. It's only a minor difference of opinion we are talking about.
  7. Registered airmail can be tracked to the final destination. This is the tracking info for the PoL I submitted in 2023. First image shows Thai post tracking. The second image shows Royal Mail Tracking info which you can use once the item has arrived in the UK. As you can see it shows final destination of Wolverhampton and the initials of the person receiving the letter.
  8. I agree it has not been a mandatory requirement in the past and I have signed many PoLs. Previously on the PoL it said "place your stamp in the box if you have one" (my words) but this year, by signing the form, the witness certifies that they HAVE put their stamp in the box. I had gone to my mates house to sign his PoL but when I discussed it with him, he agreed that there was an element of risk (of the form being sent back) if I signed without a stamp. I said I would sign the form but I would either cross out the the bit saying I had put my stamp in the box or write on "I don't have a stamp". I'm not telling a lie on an official Govt form. We both ended up going to our local Doctor who did it for 200 baht.
  9. That is not the latest version; the current letters say:- "IF you have an official stamp for yourself or your company place it here". https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/67160776e94bb9726918ee90/Life_Certificate.pdf I got the same form as @Moonlover did which is why I could not sign my mates PoL. See attached image of witness declaration from the form I got on Jan 31st.
  10. That's what I did this year, also 200 baht.
  11. Check this link where you may be able to recover your sign-in credentials. https://www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services/problems-signing-in
  12. Here is a link to create a UK Govt Gateway Account and register for UK Govt online services using a browser via PC/laptop. This is the website equivalent of the HMRC app. https://www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services
  13. You are not wrong @hotandsticky. Electronic filing of DWP PoL form is still a distant fantasy.
  14. Thanks for your reply @billd766. So it is the HMRC app and not DWP. So no chance of a "paperless" proof of life form.
  15. @billd766 Can you elaborate on this statement please? Are "they" the DWP who have this new smartphone App, or are you referring to the existing HMRC App which has been out for ages?
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