I like your approach to filing a return. I am not employed in Thailand. I live here on the basis of retirement. I will be filing my return in early March on a paper PND91 form. I'm using that rather than the PND90, because it is a simpler form and all my "income" will be entered under employment. My income consists of 3 pensions which are all remitted to Thailand each month. One is from my employment in UK local government, one is from private sector employment and the last is the state pension. I will not be including the Local Government pension on the form since it is non-taxable in Thailand (as defined in the UK/Thai DTA) and there are no provisions on the current forms to report such non-assessable income. The totals of my other two pensions will not exceed my TEDA + (first 150K @ 0% tax) total, so I shouldn't be paying any tax in TH. I do pay some UK tax on the private sector pension and normally I would be seeking a tax credit for that amount, but since I wont have to pay any Thai tax anyway, I'm not going to bother looking into that, just in case I over-complicate my situation. I will NOT be "volunteering" any supporting documents with my filing, as this again could IMHO make a "rod for my own back" by overloading the RD officer with potentially unwanted info.. Keep everything as simple as possible is my MO. I have kept good records for 2024 and IMHO I am confident I can survive an audit. I will have all the supporting docs with me when I file but will only present them if challenged.