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Mutt Daeng

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Everything posted by Mutt Daeng

  1. "Box of Whispers" • Dark Blues Slide Guitar - Justin Johnson
  2. I use the HMRC webchat to correct my tax codes every year. It's easy to use and you can save the chat afterwards for your own records. Use the chat during UK working hours. Initially you will be connected to a "digital" assistant. Ask to speak to a human. You then go into a queue and eventually your turn will arrive and you can chat to a human. You may have to wait a while for a human (I'm normally connected in a few minutes), but at least it's free Webchat is here: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/ask-hmrc/chat/online-services-helpdesk
  3. Thanks @OJAS. I'll look at the forms again today. EDIT: I think I've got it now.
  4. Thanks for your reply @oldcpu. The EAD attachment form that I was referring to is not the same as the one you quote. I was referring to the EAD attachment form which is included in the download of 2023 PND90 English version, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'll look at the situation again tomorrow as it's after 6pm on a Saturday and time to open my first bottle of Chang. I also am NOT an expert. I am also just a curious person (who is also over age-65).
  5. I'm obviously missing something here, or having a senior moment. As far as I can tell, there is no reference to the 65+ 190K discount on form PND90 or on the AED attachment. It's only mentioned on the PND91. Can you clarify please @OJAS ?
  6. For my late dinner yesterday. Chicken curry on brown rice.
  7. Thanks for the heads up @recom273. Getting it now.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 127 seconds  
  9. Radio Kaos is one of my favourite Roger Waters albums along with "The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking"
  10. Good idea IMHO. I was about to suggest it to the OP until I saw your post already had.
  11. I do recall that post by @chiang mai. If no new tax forms are release by the end of February, I will probably just do as you have done and use the 2024 Thai version of the PND90 or 91.
  12. Here is a part of the PND91 tax form (2023) where it has 2 check boxes : Disabled taxpayer aged under 65 years old Taxpayer aged 65 years or older (including disabled taxpayer) IMHO it could be worded better as Disabled taxpayer Taxpayer aged 65 years or older So anyone who is disabled is eligible and anyone aged 65 years or over is eligible.
  13. I started the registration process last week as I wanted to do what you have done and have a look around the online system, but when I came to the end I wasn't happy with agreeing to be bound by the T&Cs to file online without having viewed the online system first. so I cancelled the process. As for your filing, was it accepted and what was the result? Did you have to provide supporting docs? Did you submit PND90 or PND91 and how did you decide which one to use? Do you have remitted income that is covered by the DTA? If yes, did you report it? Do you have remitted income that has already been taxed in the UK? If yes, did you report it? Sorry for all the Q's but I'm just trying to gather as much info as I can Thanks in advance.
  14. The English versions of the PND90 and PND91 tax forms for 2024 have not been released yet. Does the online tax system have any provisions to cater for non-taxable remitted income included in your countries DTA with Thailand, or any way to claim tax credits on other remitted income which has already been taxed in your home country?
  15. Thanks @gargamon. I'll keep a look our for that.
  16. I've just finished watching season 1 of Black Snow and enjoyed it. It's an Australian crime drama, starring Travis Fimmel (Ragnar from Vikings) as a cold case detective. It was recommended by a mate of mine. It's on 1337x. I think season 2 is being aired now.
  17. Have you not applied for an account yet?
  18. The tax e-Filing home page is at https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-cms/ AFAIK it is Thai language only.
  19. I prefer not to involve Mrs MD in such matters, so i registered myself as the "housemaster" of her house, to enable me to do my own reports. I uploaded copies of her Id card & house book and my passport ID page. No "authorisation document" from Mrs MD was required.
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