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Posts posted by petercool

  1. At present only the guitarist plays there on other nights.

    If all goes well, the trio might have a Saturday night session too in the future.

    The place closes at 11pm and at this time this trio only plays at the JazzPit.

    Thanks for asking ...

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  2. Until a fixed registration number exists for each jet ski and a record kept of each piece of damage and when it happened - with pics - it is nigh impossible for anyone to track re-cycled damage and the problem will remain whereby claims are the operator's word against the renter. Who would prepare such records ?

  3. Yes, religion plays a part here but many animal species fall outside of the common practice of that ... garden snails, cockroaches, mosquitos, rats, mice and others. That there are government bodies that will help eradicate many pests proves that modern Thai society can deal with any misgivings when health and welfare of the populace is at stake and feral dog-catching is one part of that. We must assume they are then humanely put down by pre-dominantly Buddhist officials. "Destroyed" is not a word I would use in that context.

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  4. Indeed. They are mostly feral dogs traced back over many years of fending for themselves. Many are diseased, mangy and starving yet still breeding and compassionate souls are - I honestly believe - not really doing good by feeding them and by assuming they are poor abandoned pets. They never were pets and will never be. Dog catchers can be called and that may be preferable to letting them get hit by the cars or bikes that they seem to like to chase in some areas. I am not for cruelty but common sense should prevail over the many Western emotions about animals.

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  5. I have seen accidents from completely overturning the jet ski and swamping the engine which creates major repair and/or replacements to giant cracks from sideswipes of two jet skis down to minor scratches. You pay for the downtime as well as any repair costs. Like many things, it is only the worst cases of fraud that get talked of and the majority of rentals pass with no incident and no hassles.

  6. ...

    Not many BIB around after dark in Pattaya.

    With only 300 Pattaya police in total now and taking into account their shifts, areas to work in, different division responsibilities, fixed position stationing etc. you are likely to see less and less of them around in any one spot at any one time.

  7. In any and all market economies, supply and demand will dictate prices but even when other economic systems operate things are worth only what people will pay for them. A street vendor can be last in a long chain of middle men and transporters and depending at which point you can buy, prices will vary. There are laws about price tagging things in Thailand but haggling is so ingrained that this is not always the practice and prices can change. However, many markets often have prices for produce and that's what most of us would pay for the displayed items. But as has been stated in the context of commercial attractions, if you don't like the price, then don't buy.

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  8. Every Thai I ask about this seems confused by the question. They think it is expected and that we have more money and think in terms of Thais getting it cheaper not us getting it more expensive. Live with it or avoid the places. Simple really.

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