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Posts posted by petercool

  1. IMHO by far the best way to improve English skills is reading and if a child reads, reads and reads, correct grammar becomes natural. I am English by birth but never studied English grammar per se beyond the age of about 10 but I earned a very good living writing in English which I put down to my voracious appetite for books when young. Spoken English has so many accents and a Filipino accent is far from being the worst.

  2. My half Thai daughter was for a time the best known face on local and Asia-wide TV screens and magazines and is still very much recognised here for her TV drama appearances. Her pics have been misappropriated here and as far away as China and she has successfully sued even there. The question always is how the pics are used and who owns their right to that use. Professional models - as has been mentioned - have a lot to protect and I agree with the poster who stated that 3,500 baht will not get one to pose for anything let along anything too risqué. Candid shots taken are a grey area but if used in a normal and not provocative way these are generally par for the course for anyone well known and are accepted as such. The issues in this thread's case are just too unclear to have an opinion on but, as said, it is intent and right that dictates what is misuse of pics.

    • Like 2
  3. I think what he means that Thai women who gravitate here are not necessarily representative of all.

    To the OP's point, the answer is obvious. The possibility of loss of a breadwinner to a competitor on a boy's night out and general trust about that is a constant worry for her. Whereas we might be happy for a quiet night when she goes out.

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  4. The issue is one of different social patterns of various backgrounds. What we take as rude, some think is normal and it applies both ways. We are taught to queue, many nationalities are not. We are taught to talk softly, some are not. We might walk around with shirts off, other nationalities wouldn't ... and on it goes ...

    Bumping intentionally into someone might make you feel you have won in the OP's situation but no lesson is conveyed as the "offender" knows nothing of what we were taught in behaviour terms and would not understand the "message".

  5. My response would be different. I would go back and eat 42 baht's worth more food than before and then I would be even.

    I realise that you are sarcastic, but may I reply:

    I want to have a happy life, I want others to have a happy life.

    I want to respect others and I want to be respected.

    I do not want to get even with bad or stupid people.

    No sarcasm intended at all. Simply how I personally would react to the OP's situation. We are all different in our views on all things.

  6. I felt sorry for you so googled the hotel info ...

    Edge - This beachfront restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch. Guests can enjoy alfresco dining (weather permitting). A children's menu is available.

    Flare - This fine-dining restaurant serves dinner only. Reservations are required.

    Drift - This coffee shop is located on the beach. Afternoon tea is offered. Reservations are required.

    Shore - This restaurant is located by the pool.

    Horizon - This beachfront restaurant serves dinner only. Guests can enjoy drinks at the bar. Reservations are required.

    24-hour room service is available.

  7. A high profile case recently involved visiting Pakistanis and one died.

    Such cases of people getting drugged and robbed are at least a weekly occurrence reported at police stations and many go unreported, I am sure.

  8. I once went there to get a coated head for my 12" snare drum. The salesman refused to believe that a 12" snare drum existed and tried to sell me a clear head for a 12" tom which he insisted was what I meant. He stated that no-one makes a coated 12" drum head. Ummmm ..... but glad he knew what what sax reeds were .... :)

  9. Every internet transaction or use leaves a trail so I would imagine it was that, card holder complaints, then where cards were used, then CCTV camera footage, then back-tracking ISP's and so on until capture. Bangkok fraud division were likely asked by Interpol or other international law enforcement agencies to check once the country of card use was known.

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