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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. 92% felt that tackling climate change and protecting the environment is important to them personally. https://www.groundwork.org.uk/news-youth-in-a-changing-climate/ Over 80% of young people eager to take action to help the environment https://www.gov.uk/government/news/over-80-of-young-people-eager-to-take-action-to-help-the-environment
  2. Teenagers today prefer real evidence, not stories from retired men on anonymous forums, that speculate on what the future will be for them. Its now part of GSCE school curriculum.
  3. Myth 3: ‘Russia wouldn’t attack a NATO member state’ There are several reasons why it is incorrect to assume that Russia would not attack NATO members. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2022/06/myths-and-misconceptions-around-russian-military-intent/myth-3-russia-wouldnt-attack-nato
  4. Hyperbole? You’re not keeping up with the rhetoric from those I mentioned. Not that you care as you have made perfectly clear. ????
  5. If Russian pundits and many Duma members had there way, Ukraine would already be suffering another genocidal famine killing millions, as Stalin did to Ukrainians. There is only one solution to this. Defeat the tyrant.
  6. The day before his visit to the US, Zelensky was on the frontline. A true leader of Ukraine.
  7. He must be worried about someone taking the jet link locator from twitter and having a battery of Patriot Missiles in their back yard ready to shoot down one of his 4 private jets. a billionaire who loves attention knows already paparazzi will follow him everywhere and have his location data well in advance. No evidence these journalists revealed his real time location. In fact one of them just provided an already dead link to the banned account on twitter by way of reporting of its suspension. Now also banning journalists for genuine critical reporting of his Tesla business.
  8. Only they know that but considering Kursk is around 50 miles inside Russia what do you think? You really need to keep up Ukraine war: Ukraine can hit Russia with UK weapons - ministerIt would be acceptable for Ukrainian forces to use Western weapons to attack military targets on Russian soil, a UK defence minister has said. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61226431 Still waiting for the consequences since April when the UK said it was ok to do so.
  9. Justice. The bill gives clarity and comfort to millions of families across the country. Shame on those Republican senators who opposed it. Enshrining this act into law finally does away with the remnants of the old discriminatory D.O.M.A. Although it had already been invalidated by the Supreme Court there were discriminatory areas still left including for some benefits and benefits for veterans.
  10. Follow your own advice next time and read prior posts, rudi49jr posted this 2 hours before you posted and there are many other links on here where Ukraine has already attacked Russia directly. When Russia fires missiles from its own territory then hitting back at them is more than reasonable. Or give them a taste of their own medicine with a few blackouts Ukraine's forces strike power plant in Russia's Kursk region - governor Nov 30 (Reuters) - Ukrainian forces struck a power plant in multiple attacks on Russia’s Kursk region on Tuesday, causing some electricity outages, a local governor said. “In total, there were about 11 launches. A power plant was hit,” Roman Starovoyt, the governor of the Kursk region, said on the Telegram messaging app. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-kursk-strikes/ukraines-forces-strike-power-plant-in-russias-kursk-region-governor-idUKL1N32P2OZ
  11. The Ministry of Defense: All soldiers at the front were provided with winter uniforms https://babel.ua/en/news/85759-the-ministry-of-defense-all-soldiers-at-the-front-were-provided-with-winter-uniforms
  12. oops The Russians have “misplaced” 1.5 million winter uniforms that were about to be send to the Russian soldiers in Ukraine. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1576615100395331585?s=61&t=GKqC4LZIqLCHbSNmipxIzA
  13. Can you supply some links to all the winter equipment that Russian troops are getting, you seem very concerned about Ukraine but this OP is about Russians freezing to death.
  14. Another bout of deflection from you and ignoring the details, apparently not obvious enough to achknowledge. The bill banned more than a dozen specific firearms and certain features on guns, but because there are so many modifications that can be made on weapons and the fact that it did not outright ban all semiautomatic weapons, many such guns continued to be legally used. But I do agree, gun nuts are paranoid. You have to be paranoid to own assault weapons as a measure of self defense.
  15. “Which is basically what I said, is it not? Anything before the law was grandfathered in.” no you did not, you said this, a ban on manufacture only. That is incorrect as I ready pointed out before you decided an attempt at deflection would suit you better
  16. That’s a hot topic of debate and the ban was not just on manufacturing as you claimed. Wiki must have missed that for you. The bill specifically changed the federal criminal code "to prohibit the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon," however, it specified which semiautomatic assault weapons were included. The bill banned more than a dozen specific firearms and certain features on guns, but because there are so many modifications that can be made on weapons and the fact that it did not outright ban all semiautomatic weapons, many such guns continued to be legally used. https://abcnews.go.com/US/understanding-1994-assault-weapons-ban-ended/story?id=65546858
  17. No I did not mean in as in a political party
  18. Yet there was a drop in mass murder events. I know let’s do nothing because gun law rights are too important
  19. Not irrelevant at all and emotion plays a good part of democratic policy making. Look it up.
  20. Of course you can, they were banned before. Why carry on with this nonsense?
  21. Those items are not made to kill, stop the nonsense
  22. Ones enough but 22,900 lives lost by firearms last year, 3% to assault style weapons, even if you cut that to 1% as the murders would use alternative weapons then that’s a lot of lives saved from the worst mass shootings
  23. Because this is about a ban on assault weapons not handguns, that’s never going to happen
  24. Kids need to swim, they don’t need to be shot in school by an AR 15
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