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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. War is hell especially when your own country is being invaded by barbarians
  2. It’s a forum for discussion, not a recruitment drive or a travel topic about where to live.
  3. The Bangkok drama club you say. Unfortunately those fighting are not actors, those being raped and tortured are real and those being executed are dead, including the children all carried out by Putin’s war of choice
  4. Take a look at the post I was responding to and you’ll see exactly what my point was. If you can’t even follow the basic string of responses then I can’t help you.
  5. Deliberately targeting civilian infastructure, power plants, water etc is a war crime. Look it up. Russia is doing that right now as we are posting. Losing on the battle field so go for the terrorist approach.
  6. Amazing how many Ex Special Forces reside on this forum and Thailand in general…….lol The rest of your post +1
  7. Barbarians US warns of ‘war crimes’ after Russian drone attack on UkraineSecretary of State Antony Blinken said the attacks showed the need to provide “everything possible” to Ukraine as its forces continue their offensive against the Russian invaders into the colder months.“It is a sign of increased desperation by Russia, but it’s also a sign of the levels that they will stoop to and that we’ve seen repeatedly when it comes to targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure,” Blinken said.https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/10/18/us-warns-of-war-crimes-after-russian-drone-attack-on-ukraine
  8. Thailand abstained on the vote, nothing to do with historical deeds, more to do with its future options. Not sure what the time is in Russia for you now but for me I’m going to sleep, work in the morning
  9. Yes I knew and fail to see what the US has to do with Thailands decision to abstain on the annexations
  10. Couldn’t agree more. Some people even believe the referendums on the annexations in Ukraine were authentic. Still only 4 countries got duped by that. NK, Syria, Belarus and Nicaragua. ????
  11. your post and my reply have already (quite rightly) been deleted as off topic. So explaining to you what an atrocity is would probably also be deleted, find a dictionary instead.
  12. Right so the political circles are the only ones that know the truth, how do you know?
  13. What B.S. It was not required and was not vehemently refused. Russia asked for a secret vote, the UN voted on that democratically, the result was in favor of a normal public vote. Not surprising Russia calls for secret votes however, transparency has never been its forte.
  14. There was never any hope of a peace deal. Putin made it plain to the world on the 22nd of Feb as he invaded that Ukraine’s claim to being a sovereign nation was entirely baseless and denied that a Ukraine had ever been a real statehood. The only reasons it was Ukraine now was because of a series of bumbling mistakes by previous Soviet Leaders. This was never about the annexation of these territories, the goal was and remains a complete takeover of Ukraine. The only reason it’s not already in Russian hands is he was mislead into thinking Ukrainians would welcome him with flowers.
  15. You don’t have to hate Russia to make a vote, you don’t have to hate Thailand to express a view on their vote and you certainly don’t have to leave if you do. What a feeble post
  16. Well history has been made then because Switzerland voted against the illegal annexations in Ukraine by Russia
  17. So you experienced the same thing, ok, the rest of your post is indeed being facetious to the extreme
  18. Bravo! They are killing themselves before getting to be killed as cannon fodder
  19. While you do that, in the meantime The Ukrainians are paying with their blood. They will carry on fighting for their own country, a sovereign nation that was illegally invaded by Putin and his war of choice.
  20. 400 million USD humanitarian aid to Ukraine always helps https://www.reuters.com/world/saudi-arabia-announces-400-mln-humanitarian-aid-ukraine-2022-10-14/
  21. Yes I know Vlad you made that very clear (twice) as one of your justifications for invading Ukraine. How’s Putin’s balls? quote my full post next time if you insist on replying duckie,,,,,,,lol
  22. The World News and politics section on this forum is open now, plenty of western bashing going on their. it’s a forum, I think it only fair that the same level of criticisms are also open to Thai matters. Thai bashing for the sake of Thai bashing is however never appropriate, there should in my opinion be a genuine reason for it, be it factual or personal experience. Many people are far too quick with the Thai bashing card, normally followed with if you don’t like it then leave. Cheap and weak argument.
  23. How misguided and hyperbolic you say…..lol Then go off on a homophobic rant, people dying their hair and to finish of mention how big Putin’s balls are. I detect a little insecurity from you Vlad. Very amusing though.
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