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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Last 40 years…..lol. Well forty years ago the great firewall was not in place, cctv surveillance also not around which contrary to what you say is not western propaganda. My girlfriend has a teaching contract in Shanghai hence my visits. Are people happier than 40 years ago? I would be 3 years old then so you need to find someone else to ask that and has nothing to do with the factual censorship that is in place and all to do with the Chinese only having one side of the coin.
  2. That depends what sites your viewing and yes I have friends there and also visited many times.
  3. The Chinese only have on side of the fence to sit on, it’s got the most extensive and sophisticated censorship apparatus in the world, among the worlds top jailers of journalists, both state and private news outlets and under the authorities supervision, no website or news outlet is allowed to provide a news service on the internet without Cyberspace Admin of China permission. The great firewall puts paid to any form of unauthorized viewing of international news or media to ensure that fence is high enough to stop the Chinese people getting unbiased news. Banning of unauthorized VPN’s foreign search engines banned. Amazing China. Please don’t try to say it depends on which side of the fence your sitting when in China you are forced to take only one side.
  4. I see some real suckers commenting on that blog post you linked to, taking in all the utter B.S from the author who has no clue what he’s talking about ????
  5. true but this was more of a message to Putin that his previous statement that Ukraine would not join NATO is now off the table. Zelensky had mentioned that before publicly as a concession in peace talks. Now he’s being very clear that there are no talks left until Russia is kicked out.
  6. Putin is on his own with the annexation. The only states that may publicly support it in a full UN General Assembly will be places such as North Korea or Belarus. India's Modi publicly chides Putin over Russia's war with Ukraine https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/india-russia-ukraine-war-modi-putin-1.6585433
  7. Russia has already illegally annexed the new 4 regions into Russian territory. Ukraine is attacking them very successfully right now, they have also made some major attacks in Crimea previously.
  8. Kids stop believing in fantasies such a Father Christmas when their 7 or 8. You’re obviously no child psychologist, parent or teacher. Yet you claim to be able to predict their outcomes for the rest of their lives. The younger they were when covid hit the better, missing school for 1 year will have no major impact in their lives, some countries have different statutory primary school starting age but that does not affect the overall education. I am a teacher, a teacher of science to adolescents and can categorically say that none of the students I teach feel resentment to the establishment even though it did impact their studying although they are already back up to speed.
  9. Covid affects families, over 10 million children worldwide lost parents or primary care giver due to covid. The impact will last for the rest of their lives. It’s impossible to say how many of those parents caught it from their children who went to school but it will certainly be a large enough proportion to have made the health decisions justified for mask mandates in schools. That said I am very pleased they have now dropped this in schools here due to the lessening impacts of the pandemic.
  10. Straight out of Putin’s handbook, his wishes entirely. Not gonna happen
  11. Why after 7 months and retreating from more land than they took in 4 months are they doing a mobilization?
  12. Link to that claim on Aeroflot? The subpoenas sent to all airlines makes no mention of any exemptions in the Russian source reports
  13. Biden is offering a $10,000 bonus for new border control recruits, he’s not doing nothing
  14. You really believe that tripe from Putin? It’s a desperate attempt to save face after his failures on the battlefield and his mass war crimes. The rapes, tortures, murders of civilians and children, forced deportations of Ukrainians to Russia. It needs to stop, period but it is him and him alone who needs to stop the invasion.
  15. If you don’t like Putin why are you denouncing Zelensky and not him. Putin started these terrible events, although you my not be blinded by hate there are millions in Ukraine who are after their nationals were murdered, raped and tortured.
  16. I know your easily taken in but show me a quote from the Thai’s on this OP
  17. Who here said they just watch the BBC or Sky?
  18. Well I’d like to know why Russias prolonging the war by buying shells from North Korea and drones from Iran. That great reset of theirs is running out of steam
  19. Russian military equipment in Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. it’s also just announced around an hour ago that it’s last reactor is now offline.
  20. The truth is much easier to ascertain in this war than any other before it, thanks to digital evidence collected, verified and preserved. A large number of organizations including Human Rights Watch have been very active in these investigations particularly those involving the Russian war crimes against civilians. various methods are used to verify including satellite, meta data, geo locating and witness verification. Atrocities committed by Russia are being well and truely documented.
  21. No rush….lol Tell that to Putin who 10 days ago said he wants all of the Donetsk region to be fully under Russian control. He’s only got 5 days left. can only ignore your utter garbage that they are not in the business of hurting civilians.
  22. Oh right but then you get your info from New Atlas ????
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