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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. All coming along nicely. @POTUS signed the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act, providing another tool we can use to provide security assistance quickly to ????????. Our allies & partners are also doing their part, and we recognize their efforts https://twitter.com/usosce/status/1526502523359612929?s=21&t=1cQ1tVHJGnvJc9RSP4Ptsw
  2. Bravo the Swiss, a historic shift in attitude being discussed openly as a direct result of Putin’s aggression. Another shot in the foot for the self styled denazification war. Keep it up
  3. It’s been fixed for you. Ukraine Latest: NATO Says Turkey Doesn't Plan to Block Nordics https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/ukraine-latest-nato-says-turkey-doesnt-plan-to-block-nordics
  4. would expect no less on your take but the situation is far from that and the EU is doing all it can to stop Russian oil and gas, even Germany watch this space. Germany may be able to cope with a boycott of Russian gas imports as soon as the coming winter, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck told WirtschaftsWoche weekly on Thursday (12 May). https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/germany-may-be-able-to-withstand-winter-without-russian-gas-habeck-says/
  5. Ukraine war: Military intelligence chief 'optimistic' of Russian defeat saying war 'will be over by end of year' Major General Kyrylo Budanov spoke exclusively to Sky News and predicted the war will reach a turning point in August. He correctly predicted when Russia would invade earlier this year. Russia's tactics have not changed despite its shift to the east he says, and Russia is suffering huge losses though he would not be drawn on Ukrainian casualties. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-military-intelligence-chief-optimistic-of-russian-defeat-saying-war-will-be-over-by-end-of-year-12612320
  6. Ah Turkey, they are doing a wonderful job of sending their Bayraktar drones to Ukraine, they are causing devastation to the Russian military, so much so that Russia has been complaining……..lol I’m sure those first reports of Erdogans reservations will be clarified in the coming days, does not affect in anyway the disastrous performance of Putin’s war. I understand that apologists are clinging to straws, getting nervous and looking for any distraction that deflects the reality of the situation.
  7. Try again At a meeting of G7 finance ministers next week, the G7 countries want to initiate budget support for Ukraine worth nearly 30 billion euros -Spiegel https://twitter.com/iuliiamendel/status/1525121717848489984?s=21&t=kXVAm3fKi3TERjDGSV0Ugg
  8. they probably need quite a few fit men to remain in Kiev for security and defense right?
  9. Just my term of endearment, ASEAN forum would not let me write What I really think of him. The case against him is strong according to reports
  10. Video of the beast entering court and placed in the locked dock https://twitter.com/mrsorokaa/status/1525053748317388801?s=21&t=kXVAm3fKi3TERjDGSV0Ugg Plenty more of these cases to come soon
  11. Is this barbarian going to use the same defense as Putin and his trolls? He was only there to denazify Ukraine and it belongs to Russia anyway. Hopefully he’ll get an extended sentence for perjury as well as cold blooded murder
  12. Your point being? 2 or 3 versions of the same story can often compliment each other and it is often the case that updates and different perspectives add another dimension. That’s not to say the Daily Mail does not have its occasional uses but it’s not a race to post on here is it?
  13. The decision to join was made today, the threats from Russia were announced again today directed at Finland.
  14. Putin’s so called Special Operation has seriously backfired. It’s a pity the news on Finlands decision to join NATO was not before the 9th May, I would have loved to have seen him explain to the Russian people that due to his own actions NATO has now expanded its border with Russia by 1,300 kilometers. Well done Putin, Finland would never have done it without you. Next Sweden.
  15. Yea and they are still being discovered, those troops have now moved on to other combat zones let’s hope they are dealt with appropriately either through courts or a more severe and fatal revenge. The bodies of tortured people continue to be found in the liberated Kyiv region. Two more civilians were buried in the village of Kalynivka. People have broken nails and tied hands. https://twitter.com/avalaina/status/1521426490637926402?s=21&t=nffkw5QdVDuG50g9vCzbJQ
  16. Just as a well behaved Putin troll would, despite Putin living in a parallel universe where he rewrites history and makes absurd claims and lies about Ukraine people.
  17. You disagree, I expected you would, as mentioned straight out of Putin’s playbook, who also wants it to stop in his Special Operation of the liberation of Ukraine, as it’s taking longer than he anticipated.
  18. You’ve just taken a script straight from Putins playbook to try and justify why Ukraine is part of Russia and which happens to be totally false. You should read up on it, it goes goes back to Viking times and Putin’s unhinged vision of unity. https://www.newyorker.com/news/essay/the-war-in-ukraine-is-a-colonial-war However the question was not about the historical aspect, it was your statement that you have not taken sides and don’t judge. You just did judge in your reply to me. A judgement that it is the wests fault. There is nobody left sitting on the fence and it is clear you no longer are either. You are on the wrong side of history both written and to be written. This war is Putin’s war of choice and it can only stop when he is removed along with his forces from Ukraine’s sovereign soil. Excuses on false history will not be listened to in International criminal courts for the murders and rapes being committed by Putin’s forces.
  19. This was 2 days after the start of the invasion. After all that has transpired I have a genuine question for you and what I consider to be a very simple one. Have you changed your mind yet?
  20. Probably a lot more than you. Medical supplies and humanitarian aid https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2022-03/pope-francis-ukraine-refugees-donation-war.html
  21. Rubbish, if you have a human trait called empathy then it will affect you deeply. Guess it’s something you are lacking. Putin is like that too and his murdering rapists.
  22. “Saw one of these aholes with Z drawn on both arms of his T-shirt with marker pen.” Did he look like this, although I know this is an insult to apes
  23. One of Elon’s major challenges is to carry through on his promise to get rid of the spam bots. He even states that half his follower count are fake. If he manages to do this then it will a major improvement, those bots are notorious for all sorts of fake news including anti vaccine and now Russian war propaganda. He also wants to authenticate all users. https://time.com/6171726/elon-musk-fake-followers/ https://www.9news.com.au/world/elon-musk-twitter-authenticate-real-humans-privacy-access-explained/600c8d7c-1bc7-464e-b21e-f770105c936d
  24. Your post I responded to was in the context of violence not political correctness. The law decides what is acceptable. Thought that was pretty obvious in Elons statement. By “free speech”, I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519036983137509376?s=21&t=SXBr6C1Rzr_77r_F_e6lXw
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