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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Please go head and let everyone know how all these other Thai’s are at SiriKit and do share their names?
  2. I know, nothing to do with the post I replied to however
  3. There’s more than 2 camps here, there’s also those of us who stick to the topic and what happened to this Vietnamese girl with 80% burns
  4. Because it says so in the attached receipt of items taken with the warrant……..lol
  5. Top secret, they’ve not been declassified. I would not be surprised that if there is a trial some aspects of it will be a closed session purely because of the highly sensitive nature of the information.
  6. Trump was expelled from school, Biden took his place. Trump didn’t return school property.
  7. Almost as whacky as Trump or one of his staffers who decided to take them from the Whitehouse and put them in the boxes. Perhaps they were after a few freebies other than just plain old classified national security documents that were also found.
  8. Dude you should be grateful for that email scandal, without it Hilary would probably have won the election leaving the orange mop crying in the corner that it’s all so unfair. Noteable though that although she lost there were no riots at capital hill.
  9. actually my concern was your attitude and whataboutary, you may want to check my previous posts on the other threads on this fire and the victims. This one is about one victim in particular who will live the rest of her life scarred and no doubt facing years of corrective surgery.
  10. I’m aware of what time it started but that was hardly my point now was it. Whether it was 1am or 10pm a fire does not care, the club was illegal 24/7 and agin that is pure deflection from your shameless attitude to the girls welfare.
  11. Since when does a club fire adhere to a past midnight inferno. If you really want to be fair the club was open illegally at all times. That however is just more whataboutary and not exactly a comment that will help the victim for the rest of her life
  12. Your playing whataboutary on a thread like this while the poor girl has suffered 80% burns. Her friend could well have played a part in saving her life. But why not go the full hog and just say had she not visited an illegal club she would still be alive. Shameless
  13. despicable and heartless post. no excuses for that response to any post
  14. Have you got something to discuss on this 4 year old article or just the link?
  15. Pretty simple, if you live in a country or state where corporal punishment is illegal then it would be officially classified as assault. A child, young person or adolescent have a right not to be hit, they also have a human right to self defense. This is without going even going into the longer term effects of violence on young people.
  16. Never an excuse for a teacher to hit a child, restrain yes if they are causing harm to themselves or others but to strike out never. Fortunately Thailand has made this illegal as have most developed countries in the world. If a teacher does this they should feel the full force of the law, that’s why it’s there.
  17. Is Victor Orban not far right then? What was it he said, “European countries with race mixing are no longer nations”
  18. Seriously? Whataboutery is all you’ve got?
  19. How can you compare Thailand as serene when you match it to London, Paris or Rome. If your going to do that then at least attempt some relativity with Bangkok against those cities. How does it stack up now?
  20. A short video here on twitter clearly shows security guards in their uniforms activity running away from people on fire. Disgusting https://twitter.com/sabudlo/status/1555350687071891456
  21. Not long before the apologists will come along and say we would all do the same in such a situation, nice how they try to project their own morals onto others. Absolute shame on the spoilt brat and his family. face up to the crime like a man, it’s not like your punishment is going to be more than a handful of years in a cushy cell full of all the perks your stinking money can buy
  22. Vlads asianow socket puppet woke up, bless. Your boss is not impressed, starting a thread in the pub section will never get you any more a few rubles per post
  23. Where did what all go wrong? They are more concerned with teaching the children and young people effectively and productively to prepare them for the outside world and work or University. No need to be hit them to do that. This OP is not about gender identity by the way.
  24. Didn't see him sit in judgment over anyone. I've not read one post yet with anyone complaining about the behaviour of young people. I have noted concern regarding the easy access they have now that was not there before and how that's the fault of the chaotic roll out though. Could they get it before, yes of course but now access is far easier and more opportunity to buy it which as demonstrated in Canada increases the use in teenagers. Does that mean we are complaining about their behaviour, hardly it's the fault of the adults in charge. 851 Leading academics & doctors, Thailand’s Pharmacy Council, 83.5 percent of the Thai public all said recreational use is wrong with lack of laws for your people one of the concerns, are you saying they should all keep their noses out of it?, you know, the Thai's in their own country, nothing to do with so called old people on here. Along with Anutin doing his usual backflips as demonstrated in the OP and saying that new legislation before parliament will outlaw the now widespread recreational use of the drug in the country. As far as I'm concerned let adults smoke it at home if they want, they are old enough to make their own decisions. Bring on Medical cannabis as far and wide as possible but controls for children and young people are important. The diversionary tactic of saying well they can get it anyway so why have laws then? No country has tried that before ever.
  25. Just as well you don’t work in a special needs school where that can happen but no I’ve never had any violence directed at me from the so called “uncontrolled brats” and I’ve worked for 15 years as a teacher 12 of which were in London.
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