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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Imagine if the beach villa would have been rented by a thai national , and the people sitting on the stairs and being kicked would have been foreigners ... What would have happened ...? Probably nothing .
  2. Did you ever see a dog die from Poison ? A horrible , painful death . They did this to my old faithful dog just after arriving here in Thailand . Who did this , deserves the same treatment .
  3. Want more , pay more ...? Good job . Really ? and receiving a fee of 800 baht (US$28) per guest for her services.
  4. He did not manage to control himself . But a danger to the public ...? After what you read in the daily news , many thais are a danger to the public as well ... What to do with them ? Deport them all to Switzerland ?
  5. If Trump does not win the next elections and becomes POTUS again , he might as well jump out of the window of his Trump tower ... As president he can pardon himself and find ways to end his legal problems . He HAS to win in order to survive , he will not accept another defeat and will mobilize his mob in time .
  6. Well said ... Rural Thais are still at the evolutionary stage of hunters and gatherers ,they live from ' the hand to the mouth ' , eat what they can catch or find in the forest ... You do not want to be part of this . Thais with an ' education ' believe that they are superior to foreigners in about everything . I am surprised at the level of incompetence in people who pretend to have studied in a thai University . That includes doctors at ' world class ' hospitals in thailand . Operations not well done , need to be operated again in a foreign country ... happened to my wife ... Vet's who talk nonsense , x-ray the wrong foot prescribe medicines that are dangerous and forbidden in other countries , specialists who just do not know the recent , much better medication in their domain and try to prescribe completely outdated , costly treatments ... Nearly everything here is substandard , but the natives believe that they are superior to anyone else ... It easily becomes frustrating and a foreigner who wants to stay and live in Thailand has to adapt his mind to that , not always easy ... There is no integration into thai society for a non-thai , impossible . And anyway who could really want that rearding the way they think and act ...? Why I still live here ...? Because , where I come from , everything has changed to the worse ... people are upset and angry , bureaucracy is at crazy levels , prices and taxes are too high , weather is always bad . Thailand is still the lesser evil , even it is far from perfect . But a foreigner in Thailand has to adapt , be polied , non - violent , take it with a smile and shut up .
  7. Let her come back .... who cares after all what happened inn the meantime ... At least , she is more pleasant to look at than her brother . Thailand is what it is ... and that won't change , not before the next elections , at least ... And if the wrong party wins ( again ) , there will be another coup . That is how it works here .
  8. The most secure location to survive a nuclear holocaust ? 1. the ISS ( international space station ) . 2. Antarktic . But , even if you survive , would it be a life worth living ...? There is a way to avoid the nuclear war for a nation capable of genetically developing a lethal ' supervirus ' , like corona ... At least that would not destroy all of the planet , and leave place for a reboot ... May be , in some deep underground secret laboratory , they are already working on it ...? 12 monkeys ...
  9. Srettha , as a real estate tycoon , hopes to sell more if buyers get cheaper loans .
  10. May be they will go the Sri Lankan way in the futrure ...? https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/sri-lanka-russia-tourist-visa-ukraine-war-b2504466.html But , as long as big money is spent by the Russians , and they do not post a threat to the thai mafia , that will be delayed ...
  11. Yes , not a nice character , apparently . But there was not much of a kicking ( bodily harm ) . Can be seen in the video . He seems to be a big spender ( 1 mio monthly rent !!! ) . His elephant sanctuary has all the papers needed . He employs thai people . Kicking him out by revoking his visa is not the best decision . There should be a better solution ( like him being forced to do social work etc . ) I wonder why ' his ' land has no clear demarcation or fence . Was there a sign that indicated that members of the public have no right to access ? Anyway , the thai " doctor " was no doctor yet , just a student . That shows clearly that , in this country , aggression against natives is a no go . Being tolerated as guests ( even if living here for many years ) , is all a farang can expect . A foreigner in thailand is not without legal rights , but these have to be enforced by a tribunal , a judge . Costly process . but worth doing in some cases . But not this one .
  12. You know this , I know this ... many know ... I would not be surprised by the appearance of a new pandemic , this time with a genetically modified viral strain that becomes absolutely lethal . An antidote will become available only for the selected few ...? May be it is time for this ...? If AI ever reaches a level to find and imply logical solutions to the world's problems , it would eliminate the worst : overpopulation . A general reboot is urgently needed .
  13. Why are there no " baby traps " in hospitals as in fartang countries ...? That would enable the mothers to dispose of their unwanted babys anonymously ...
  14. The level of intelligence in the thai general populace is nothing compared to the level of their greed . Primitive , stupid population , only led by their greed , ignoring the damage they do ... all for some mushrooms . Uneducated selfish fools at work .
  15. Poachers are scum . Killing and selling of protected species is a crime .
  16. ... is a real estate tycoon . He makes a living from selling condos , houses etc ... Her wants to sell more , so he pressures the banks to further lower the already very low interest rates that more potential buyers get easy affordable credit rates and he can sell more .
  17. Better confiscate his private jet . A pity they cannot do this with his villa in Dubai .
  18. Pita is a charismatic leader . Many people who voted for MFP voted for him . MFP will probably be dissolved , but could reappear under a new name ... But Pita will probably be banned from politics for 10 years or more ... he is too well-liked and poses a threat by that . What the people want does not matter here ...
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