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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Excessive consumption of anything is definitely not good . But in the case of alcohol it is dangerous for other persons , too .
  2. Don't exaggerate ... everyone makes mistakes , me too .
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3g3prgzzjpo " Seven people were booked to stay at the hotel, but only five checked in and one person is currently unaccounted for, Metropolitan police chief Lt Gen Thiti Saengswang said. ... It also appears that two of the victims tried to get to the hotel suite's door, which was locked from the inside, but did not manage to reach it in time. "
  4. May be read before comment ...? " Or went to the hospital to have her alleged cancer checked out. The health check confirmed that she was healthy and did not have cancer. "
  5. By the apparent lack of violence in any form , one can come to the conclusion that it was collective suicide ... Or , they have been intentionally poisoned by somebody . Need to check if they had social media accounts and , if so , what was posted recently ... May be that provides a clue . There are simply not enough facts provided yet . At this point , all is pure speculation .
  6. ... by supplying Israel with all the weapons and ammunition they needed to flatten Gaza and kill thousands of women and kids ...? Hypocrism . That bis even worse . Poor palestine ... you are reduced to rubble , your kids and mothers killed , everyone watches in disgust , but nobody helps ...
  7. https://www.brecorder.com/news/40089782 German police busts the biggest darknet child porn network with 400,000 members A spokesperson of the German police told AFP that the platform, named "Boystown", had been operating since 2019. “This was one of the biggest child pornography platforms in the world with over 400,000 members,” the spokesperson said.
  8. Euthanasia will never be granted to a suffering animal that is beyond help ? Why not , if there is no cure ? Death is no problem ,that occurs naturally all the time , but the suffering before it should be limited for humanitarian reasons . But they don't do that to an animal ... Sad .
  9. I guess that, for this treatment , he set up the age limit to 20 max ...? A friends grandmother has cervical cancer too ... she is 84 years old ... would he take her ...?
  10. I do not find any real , natural beauty in beauty contestants any more ... It's all made up .
  11. ... and the outsourcing team will pass responsibility to someone else after they filled their pockets ...
  12. Yes , construction companies and private entrepreneurs will get their share ... but most are already rich . What about the poor who struggle to survive every day ... Should the poor not get at least a small " injection " as well ...?
  13. Sad that there are still people like this around ... and the ones found are just the tip of the iceberg ... I remember that in Germany they dismantled a child porn ring ( not soo long ago ) that had more than 30000 members . Sickos . And many , many of them around ...
  14. Certificate of innocence means in this context that this is another piece of evidence that Thailand's place in the world is right in the middle of the most corrupt countries . Why not grant him total immunity for everything he has ever done and everything he will ever do ...? And what about his conviction and his release on parole ? How can a convicted criminal receive a " certificate of innocence " ? What a joke , Thailand is ALWAYS good for a laugh .
  15. Just before the storm on the capitol ( Jan 06 ) , A reporter asked an heavily armed Trump supporter if he thinks that there will be a civil war ... No , he said , the dems don't have guns ...
  16. Too late ... he already is one by now . And he will use this to defame his opponents . No business like show business , that is what makes America great again ...?
  17. >>> and it looks like he has done a favor to the Republicans ... making Trump kind of a martyr without killing him ... ? May be he was aiming for the teleprompter and a very good shooter ? ( No , of course not , just an idea ... )
  18. I did . this is the moment he got hit :
  19. It reveals the right wing nutters as well .
  20. His right ear was hit , and bullet came from the front side ... A little blood , but his ear is still intact ... he was damn lucky ... The bloody mark on his cheek may have been caused by the bullet as it points directly to the ear . Praise the lord , Trump , you could have died ... may be time for some reflection now ?
  21. He has not won yet , and if he does not , will HE accept defeat ?
  22. I am not american . You don't seem to know a lot .
  23. May be someone will make an assassination attempt on Biden next ...? Would be even than ...
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