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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Once there was Love , than it turned to hate and murder followed ... Sad , why can't people just walk away when it's over ...? Forget the money , start new ...
  2. May be he was the owner of a cannabis shop ... took a loan to open it , but realized that he won't ever be able to pay back that loan because of the imminent change in the law ... ? But , may be it was not that what made him take his own life ... RIP .
  3. Yes , they promise everything before the election , and forget it all after ... Typical behavior for a politician . Good joke . A lot of noise for just nothing . But they are good at spending money . ( not their own , of course ) . Thais wake up now . Not want to listen to the old , always same lies anymore ... Good .
  4. Thaksin helped a lot ... to lose confidence ... Thai politicians do not realize that they cannot brainwash the young anymore . The young voters find their info on the net , and do not believe the old lies anymore . Hope that they explain to their families ...
  5. I stopped reading here , TAT projections ... 555
  6. This photo makes me think that Thailand is exactly the right country to retire . Think positive ... dinosaurs will become extinct here ... vote for the young , the old are ignorant , selfish , corrupted to the core and simply ... too old .
  7. That is correct . Thaksin , having had to spend 15 years outside Thailand , still thinks that he can pull all the strings , even not having an official job within the government . He should be in prison . But this country is so corrupt that after he done his ' secret deal ' ( with whom ?) , he thinks he can still move the muppets ( pull the strings ) . He lost a lot of support since his return already ...and , if he continues like this , his party will be the big loser in the next elections .
  8. Another U-turn , done by politicians who are manipulated by business interest and have no idea what , really , they are talking about . The opposite is real , that is why it is called ' consciousness ' enlarging . But , if overdosed , the beneficial effects may turn into ' dumbness ' . You ridiculous , lying fool . ... Apart from the fact that they will need to close , get no more customers anyway , and can't pay back their loans to the banks ... Bankruptcy caused by authoritarian idiots in the government ...
  9. Open legs ...? You mean " open arms " ? But open legs policy sounds good , too ...
  10. Honey pot ? Look at her shoulders ... she is stronger than the man ...
  11. He was right , one of the few ... and he did not propose that injecting bleach , as Trump said , will help . The Covid Virus ( at least the first version of it ) was a zoonotic transmission , not a lab accident . That should teach us something ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_COVID-19 Similar to other outbreaks,the virus was derived from a bat-borne virus and most likely was transmitted to humans via another animal in nature, or during wildlife trade such as that in food markets.While other explanations, such as speculations that SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a laboratory have been proposed,such explanations are not supported by evidence.
  12. Kamala Harris , so far , is loyal to Biden . But , if he drops out , she will make a good job being the first female mixed race president ....
  13. That is right . And not only for the presidential candidates ...
  14. Finally some good news . Thaksins relentless efforts to discredit the MFP did not succeed it seems . But Thailand has a history of preventing unwanted winners to take their prize ... First by bending the laws , than by a coup ...?
  15. It's boats , not rucks ... they travel on the river ...
  16. I like it here , it is nice and warm , prices are much lower than in the west , people are generally nice ( to me ) , Omnipresent corruption will always enable me to buy my way out , just in case ... I do not get bills or letters from the government in my postbox . When getting old , I'll hire help easily ... And , anyway , did you not follow the news about what happens in the west ? They are all gone mad it seems . Thailand is one of the best and most secure places to stay . Some negatives , ok , but not as many as in the west .
  17. I live on an island with few inhabitants . I built my little paradise here . Whenever I have to go to the mainland by ferry , ( only 800 meters away ) , I can't wait to return . No fever at all , but too many people on the mainland .
  18. I think , most even have properties outside Thailand , just in case ...
  19. Sure , flee the country that you have ripped-off for so long , in style and class . hahaha ....
  20. This is ridiculous . 12 billion baht ? are they definitely gone nuts ? That reminds me of the Thai man who committed suicide over a debt of 1000 baht . Essential activities means the rich and influential want to have a secure means to escape the country once a long overdue revolution takes place ? Here we have it . When conflicts come , the VIP's now have an escape route . Hope they will need this .
  21. Somebody liked the vehicles and wants to have them in his own garage ...
  22. Bad behaving tourists are in every country , not only Thailand . If a country tries to attract as many tourists as possible ( Thailand ) , you get some that behave bad , that's normal .
  23. If a thai would have been the winner ... only congratulations . Sad .
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