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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. It is important to them to keep up the image as being a democracy .
  2. The thai government advised it's citizens to report any suspicious activity by foreigners . Spying on foreigners became a national sport since . Not a place to stay ... Another ' concerned citizen ' .
  3. What dignity ? The " concerned netizens " are in witch hunt modus again and RTP follows as usual . The ' netizens ' demand the revocation of her visa , so be it ... It becomes slowly frightening here ...
  4. I have found and collected quite a few that I found dead on the beach . ( The local fishermen throw their nets sometimes much too close to the corals . ) I guess I have to throw it all now ...?
  5. Thaksin has just arrived in CM . His health is in danger !!! May be now something changes ...?
  6. It is so much easier to make money for a thai woman , when her physical appearance is attracting potential customers . Especially big boobs are always in fashion ... lucky for the aesthetic surgeons . But , if the product she sells ( not herself ) , is delicious , this , of course , helps a lot ...
  7. Here we have it ( again ), money rules in Thailand . Disgusting .
  8. Those are ok . Some come with blutooth and wifi . Reliable and perfect for Linux .
  9. More reason for the thai to pursue the ' anti farang ' campaign . These 2 did not make anything better for the rest of the foreigners staying in Thailand . Need to make an example of these 2 ... hang ' em high ... Foreigners need to obey the laws of thailand , just as thais are supposed to ... May be a criminal background check will become necessary soon for all visas , or , at least , the non O ...?
  10. I want some of that . Good stuff , especially the pink ones ... ( still remember from my ' high times ' ) Never seen that here in Thailand ...
  11. So , your're hooked on booze ... OK if that is your thing ... ever tried other drugs ?
  12. Well said . I did not suspect that they went that far ... There should be a law that prohibits them from doing so . Just a fine won't work . Monkey business .
  13. Some Thais , especially the ones why dislike farangs , will go now to places where farangs go and try to provoke them while filming it with their phone . Just do the same to them , take out your phone and record them and their behavior .
  14. Sure ... He touched me ... revoke visa and blacklist ....
  15. Yeah , I just read it .... even there is no prof of extended longevity of pet owners , I am sure that there is a beneficial effect on their mental health .
  16. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/13/health/playing-with-dogs-affects-brain-waves-study-wellness/index.html
  17. As the human population increases on this planet , many species of animals face extinction . Do we not know that everything is connected ? Human overpopulation will lead to it's own extinction . Environmental destruction paired non regulated growth of the most destructive species is a recipe for guaranteed disaster . We are the dominant species , but just a part of the terrestrial biosphere . In order to survive we need a balanced ecosystem , by destroying this , we are destroying our future . Simple logic ... why are there no serious steps taken to restore the balance ...? Greed and fear are still mankinds main motivators as that has always been in the past . Time to evolve now and to set other priorities , or there will be not much left after us ... like planet Mars . Survival is the name of the ( universal ) game , and we are failing .
  18. Just stay out of a wildlife sanctuary . I doubt that he was after khai mod daeng only ... Eggs of the red ant are to be found everywhere in abundance .
  19. But meanwhile Khun Srettha has seen the world , travelled in private Jets , stayed at 5 star hotels only , had been invited to free luxury dinners , had a good time at the expense of the taxpayer ... good job .
  20. Europe should imply the exact same requirements for thais as Thailand does for europeans . That includes the 90 day reporting .
  21. Pattaya , the new thai Vegas ? Would make thailand another ' hub ' . It can work , look at Macau ...
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