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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Thailand is not using the right strategy to attract wealthy investors and holidaymakers . It has the BIG advantage to be far away enough from all the mess in the world today , to be kind of a ' safe harbor ' for all the people from other countries who simply want to live a good life without being dragged into wars , street fighting , demonstrations , hatred etc ... To make it attractive for the wealthy , laws and regulations need to change here . Thailand is beautiful , many Thai people are not so bad ... I am still happy here , found my piece of paradise away from people .
  2. Sure . Good idea . Promoting more alcohol consumption is an adequate way to attract all the ' wealthy tourists ' they long for . Surely it will help the local economy , not only the bars , but the car repair shops , the hospitals and undertakers as well ...
  3. Well said and accurate . Thailand is losing it's ' face ' and credibility over Thaksin's treatment . A lot of things here that could be done better ... MFP and Pita gave hope that this would happen , but Thaksin and his clan prevented it . Pit's shareholding was no crime that justified his removal . What Thaksin did , and was sentenced for to 8 years in prison , was one . Selling his telecom business and evading to pay taxes for this in Thailand shows that he is not the philantrophist he likes to be seen as ...
  4. Never trust strangers or ex-girlfriends . Even he spent his money there , somebody reported him to police . He probably talked about his overstay .
  5. Looks like he did not completely recover ... but enough to be a taxi driver ...?
  6. Ok , imagine ... 3am , drunk customer denied another drink ... may well lead to aggression ... Keep open until 6am , at that time turn on the bright lights , off the music , and serve a sobering breakfast buffet to paying clients ... ? Keep the buckets ready ... sorry , still a bit mau from yesterday ...
  7. No worries , Thailand will have a china made submarine without engine to fight off the chinese invaders ... ( joke ) Not Thailand's war . Stay neutral is best . Ok , difficult for the PM to please everybody on either side ... That is what he is trying to do , but it requires diplomacy not to offend anybody ... Is he a diplomat ?
  8. How to avoid mentally ill or unstable potential killers to enter Thailand ? Should they ask for a certificate confirming good mental health before boarding the plane ...? 55 , not many would come anymore .
  9. There are no limits to what people are able to do when they see profit . Clearly the monsters are outside the the cage . No heart , no empathy , and no love ... humons .
  10. ... and a lot of ( body ) guards . That wall won't hold of the masses when there is the "zombie apocalypse " he may be afraid of ... Only ... all his money will become worthless ... how will he pay them ?
  11. Yes , right , but that is a real democracy over there ... when there are elections , the winner takes it all ... In thailand , when there are elections , and the winner is not well liked by the ruling establisment , he is prevented to form a government by finding some ridiculous pretext like Pita'a shares ... And , if Thaksin was the mastermind behind this , he should do his time in prison at least . He was convicted to 8 years in prison for what again ...?
  12. Hi , welcome here to this forum . We need some thai opinion here ... please feel free to say what you think , ( if not against the law of course ...) You are thai , right ...? Not just some farang with a pseudo name ?
  13. I expected this to happen next february . Only hope that the thai people do not forget about the stolen election and broken promises . And vote this corrupt clan out . In Thailand the rich can buy ' their ' justice . Just like in some ' banana republic ' . And then , they want to be taken for serious on the international political scene ... Nothing is fair or correct or according to the law here . The law is for the poor and not ' connected ' people only . Just a bad joke ...
  14. The thai army and Myanmar's army are becoming good friends now ...!!! Stealing elections and killing and oppressing thousands of people by the murderous burmese army seems no hindrance to the thais to build up bilateral cooperation ? There really is no more limit to ignorance and stupidity .
  15. News spread rapidly around the world these days . Many dead tourists in Thailand damage Thailand's reputation as a safe country . Waaaay too many guns in the hands of childish uneducated Thais . Too many drugs that contribute greatly to the mental instability of users . ( Yaba , ice , meth etc ... ) Traffic and driving on public roads ... , no comment ... Total lack of sympathy for the paying tourists , it is only their money that counts . ( Food poisoning , hygienic standards ) Thailand IS a dangerous country . And it will lose more of it's reputation as a classic holiday destination if that does not change . The TAT is foolish , everybody knows . So is the thai government if they think that Thailand will always stay attractive to visitors , despite what makes the international news . Tourists want to enjoy their life , not lose it in Thailand .
  16. This is not my war . Before oct.7th , I had more sympathies for the palestinian side , because they were more on the defensive side from the continued Israeli aggression . Stones against machine guns ... The atrocities Hamas committed on the 7th somehow changed this . This is a story about dominance and revenge . This time Israel wants Hamas destroyed and disappeared . They will continue to bomb Gaza until there is no place left for Hamas to hide . Hamas will hide and reorganize elsewhere ... Thousands of dead civilians do not seem to disturb either side . Violence leads to more violence , there is no definite winner in this war . Only losers . Israel loses support and builds up a solid reputation for being a racist , aggressive regime that does not care about ' collateral damage " . Hamas shows what atrocities radicalized muslims are able and ready to do . ( Rape , murder , mutilations of women ) All in all there will be nothing good that comes out of this war . Only losers . It is depressing that , in a time where scientists are making huge discoveries about the interconnectivity of everything , there are still people on this planet who kill each other . For what ? Sad and primitive .
  17. Did he have a valid credit card on him ? no ? Let him float then , he won't pay for his incineration ...
  18. Sorry , don't want to play the grammar police ... But , as hypocritical an oath may be , the Hippocratic oath should not be .
  19. Was he sentenced to this ...? I think he was sentenced to prison ? He will be at his home by february .
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