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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Common knowledge is different from country to country ... Only the internet helps to bring that to a common level . Internet is a helper to find what should be commonly known , but it can be used for disinformation as well . Need to filter all the info .
  2. Just make a tea ... or put some in your food ... may be it helps , don't put too much , just a little bit ... You could check it out if you want ... up to you ...
  3. Out of office , not president anymore = no immunity .
  4. Once upon a time in India ... sex was free ... women stayed at temples to serve if they wanted it .
  5. Cause of death : miscommunication . Sad . There is NO social security in Thailand . Still 3rd world .
  6. Wow . I did not know this . I do not think that I would get a lot of " gifts " if I did that ...
  7. He was driving a Fortuner that had no reverse camera ? Should have one . It could have saved a life .
  8. Fair or not ... there might be some exceptions , but generally : No money - no honey .
  9. That is a lot . Cannabis is a medicine with consciousness enlarging properties . It has been used for 1000s of years in the history of the world . Only in our lifetime it has become illegal because the rulers do not want its psychedelic and healing effects . It might diminish their profits . Sign of the times ... But time to wake up now and recognize it for what it is : A tool to cure certain illnesses and generally : A healer .
  10. Ir Trump wins , he will probably pull the US out of Nato . Putin will laugh and annex more ... rest of Nato will not have enough power without the US to defend itself against Russian aggression ... Please , Joe , do the world a favor ... and leave .
  11. Both , Russia and North Korea , do not seem to care about western sanctions . But China does . A political balance act for China . Xi likes win-win situations , but this one does not look like one ... Will Putin win the war in Ukraine ? In the moment it looks like , but much depends on the actions taken by both sides . Staying neutral is difficult for Xi , he wants Russias ' natural resources ' . But he wants Chinese Products being sold everywhere , what can become difficult if more sanctions are imposed ...
  12. 48,226 candidates accused of submitting false information ...? There have not been many left that gave the correct info , then ...?
  13. A dramatic police chase led to the suspect's escape .
  14. Consuming Cannabis can surely help some medical conditions , but to smoke it is the worst way to take it . I recommend a nice tea in the afternoon ...
  15. Don't expect justice when you try to fight the system . Prepare for the worst outcome . The ruling elite does not want change , even it is desperately needed . The idea of change does not let them sleep good anymore ... they will protect by all means what they consider to be theirs . But , there is always a way ...
  16. She has a vision ? So , she is a visionary ? She understands Thailand's problem ? She is a part of the problem herself . Go , MFP , go ... But , more they become popular , more it is possible that the party will be dissolved , and Pita banned from politics . It is not only Thaksin who dislikes them ...
  17. Oh , I love that . Thaksin's relentless efforts to discredit Move Foreward seem not to go in the direction he wants . Many woke up to his lies and see what happens in reality . His return from Dubai has done no favor to the Pheu Thai party . Good .
  18. ...and all the rubbish was swept away ...
  19. But , if something happens to Biden ( heart attack etc ) , it would be her to replace him ? At least she can speak coherently ...
  20. He should . The Dems are doing themselves no favor if they do not try to find a new candidate now . Even Kamala Harris would be better . Go retire , Joe , do your party a favor .
  21. What will happen to these assets ? Kept by some ' VIP's ' ? Or being sold ? Or just disappear ...?
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