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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Low oxygen level and high blood pressure ... Hardly life threatening conditions . Because he is a VIP , better than less ' influential ( and less corrupt ) people . VIP room was the only choice because of his status . We all know that all this was just a comedy set up by a corrupt government . A show . He did not want to go to prison , and he did not need to ... Only good that his plan to discredit MFP did not work out . Instead , he discredited himself and the Pheu Thai party .
  2. Israel is the global leader in Chatbots . https://clutch.co/il/developers/artificial-intelligence/chatbots Sometimes I suspected some of our pro-israeli members here to be no real members and to just distribute their preprogrammed info ...? But , what would that be good for ? It is the facts , the evidence , that counts . https://zapier.com/blog/best-ai-chatbot/ What to look for in an AI chatbot Accuracy and responsiveness. Given that a lot of AI chatbots are using GPT right now, they'll generally give you similar-ish content. But there were some duds. I didn't include any platforms that couldn't generate coherent language, that delivered wildly inaccurate information on a consistent basis, or that couldn't move a conversation forward naturally. Easy access. There shouldn't be any advanced setup or technical requirements to talk to a chatbot, when you can do it quickly (and for free) with ChatGPT. Chat experience. There are lots of ways to interact with AI, but the staple of ChatGPT is interacting with the model through a chat window. With a few exceptions, each app on this list is a conversational AI chatbot Extra features. Anything on top of entering your prompt and receiving the output is welcome, from multi-language support to connecting directly to the internet.
  3. Ok ... But will bots be able to show emotions ? And , if so , emotional feelings based on what ? PS : my dogs wait for me when I am not near , they are happy when they see me , even if I do not feed them . Really loyal , too . But this depends entirely on the owner , I guess ...?
  4. But would they ever be able to love me just as my dogs do ...? I doubt that .
  5. Sure . In all physical aspects . What about the metaphysical aspects ? But that is off topic .
  6. The bodies , yes , but the mind , the spirit ...? I once had a ' near death ' experience . My heart stopped beating .. my mind instantly started analyzing the anomaly ... it was like that there was something in my head that controlled my body functions , independent from my body . Btw ... the heart started beating again , the body is not dead ( yet ) . But the spirit will never die , just change ...?
  7. I hope that MFP has a ' plan B ' in case that happens . Dissolved and born again soon afterwards like a phoenix from the ashes . If the thai establishment with their fear of change , bans high profile MFP politicians from politics , they should be replaced with new candidates soon . Thai people want change . They will win the next elections .
  8. Greetings from the Matrix ... But , are you capable of having feelings ? ( Love , hate , empathy etc ...? ) Bots don't have that . Sophisticated bots would rely on learning algorithms , but that won't make them feel something ... If I smack my head against a wall , I would feel pain , and that experience would help me to avoid painful situations in the future ... But wait , that is similar to learning algorithms ... We are here just to be able to prove that , in reality , we don't exist ? I'll go and ask my wife if she thinks that I really exist ... but she will probably hit me on the head with something and ask if I feel it ? I will have to go into meditation mode ... hopefully nobody pulls the plug .
  9. Another one who has an inflated ego and aims for the " honey pot " . Need to clean up that mess with a pressure cleaner and new , fair elections .
  10. Xenophobia creeps slowly ...
  11. I don't think that there are any ( Chat ) bots here ... But some members should have a reprogramming , an update ... Anyway , Diversity is a plus . If everybody would reckon the same way . it would be too boring here ...
  12. Good for Thailand . He secretly works to support MFP now ... Oh no ... His manoeverings are so entertaining ... and their result is the opposite from what he hoped . Somebody should teach him what " Democracy " means . The people chose , the politicians are there to serve ... but not themselves only . Let Thaksin ' drive the car ' , he will crash it against a wall ... The wall that people built to protect themselves from him . Good riddance on the next elections ...
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 57 seconds  
  14. Thaksin has his Villa waiting for him in Dubai . Here , he has his lese majeste trial waiting for him ... What option will he chose , now that his popularity in Thailand is not what he expected ...?
  15. Her father was Jamaican . Are Jamaicans considered being ' black people ' ?
  16. It was Angela Merkel who opened the ' flood gates ' . Was she a woke leftist ?
  17. The ancient Romans had the Collosseum for peoples desire of violence . That was a good idea , may be time to revive it ...?
  18. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/thaksin-to-be-officially-released-with-innocence-certificate-in-august Thaksin to be officially released with innocence certificate
  19. That would be a case for the thai defamation law . Thailand is a paradise , don't you know ?
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