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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. May be they will go the Sri Lankan way in the futrure ...? https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/sri-lanka-russia-tourist-visa-ukraine-war-b2504466.html But , as long as big money is spent by the Russians , and they do not post a threat to the thai mafia , that will be delayed ...
  2. Yes , not a nice character , apparently . But there was not much of a kicking ( bodily harm ) . Can be seen in the video . He seems to be a big spender ( 1 mio monthly rent !!! ) . His elephant sanctuary has all the papers needed . He employs thai people . Kicking him out by revoking his visa is not the best decision . There should be a better solution ( like him being forced to do social work etc . ) I wonder why ' his ' land has no clear demarcation or fence . Was there a sign that indicated that members of the public have no right to access ? Anyway , the thai " doctor " was no doctor yet , just a student . That shows clearly that , in this country , aggression against natives is a no go . Being tolerated as guests ( even if living here for many years ) , is all a farang can expect . A foreigner in thailand is not without legal rights , but these have to be enforced by a tribunal , a judge . Costly process . but worth doing in some cases . But not this one .
  3. You know this , I know this ... many know ... I would not be surprised by the appearance of a new pandemic , this time with a genetically modified viral strain that becomes absolutely lethal . An antidote will become available only for the selected few ...? May be it is time for this ...? If AI ever reaches a level to find and imply logical solutions to the world's problems , it would eliminate the worst : overpopulation . A general reboot is urgently needed .
  4. Why are there no " baby traps " in hospitals as in fartang countries ...? That would enable the mothers to dispose of their unwanted babys anonymously ...
  5. The level of intelligence in the thai general populace is nothing compared to the level of their greed . Primitive , stupid population , only led by their greed , ignoring the damage they do ... all for some mushrooms . Uneducated selfish fools at work .
  6. Poachers are scum . Killing and selling of protected species is a crime .
  7. ... is a real estate tycoon . He makes a living from selling condos , houses etc ... Her wants to sell more , so he pressures the banks to further lower the already very low interest rates that more potential buyers get easy affordable credit rates and he can sell more .
  8. Better confiscate his private jet . A pity they cannot do this with his villa in Dubai .
  9. Pita is a charismatic leader . Many people who voted for MFP voted for him . MFP will probably be dissolved , but could reappear under a new name ... But Pita will probably be banned from politics for 10 years or more ... he is too well-liked and poses a threat by that . What the people want does not matter here ...
  10. Animal cruelty carried out by a buddhst monk ? Defrock him . He did not learn anything from Buddha's teachings . Unfit to be a monk .
  11. Pandas becoming kind of a currency by now ? These are living beings with feelings , they should be kept at least species appropriate if their natural habitat is destroyed already . Don't forget how the chinese treat their other bears ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bile_bear https://www.ourbreathingplanet.com/bear-bile-farming-horror/ Oh no ... poor Panda . People are monsters . Humons .
  12. \ Special needs means these kids should get special care .
  13. Yes , but by profession , politicians are liars . What they call 'diplomacy ' is often nothing but bending and masking the truth ...
  14. In this case , a reward would be better ... Just a small fine would be enough as there was no damage done .
  15. Well , there was this thai youngster trying to provoke me doing something bad . He went to stand right in front of me filming me with his phone ... may be just 1 meter away ... I found this to be annoying nad would have liked to give him a good punch in his face ... but that was what he apparently wanted ... Instead , I took out my phone and started to video him from very close as well and I showed him my middle finger while he was filming me . He stopped immediately and went away . It all depends if you are in a public place or in your privacy at home . If invasive videos or photos are taken from you at your private place , there are laws against this . Ask a Paparazzi , they know .
  16. Why take it away on a pickup ? The mother was looking for it .
  17. Some animals are not ' pets ' . Even lions can develop a close relationship to their owners , they still can act following their instincts ... when they feel provoked for example ... They should be kept ' species appropriate ' at least in a reserve where they have enough space to live . I hope that no animal torture ( taking out the claws or teeth ) was involved . Dogs are domesticated , an entirely different story .
  18. Mankind excels in destructive action , definitely not in preservation .
  19. What do they gain from making it illegal again ? It is and will stay available everywhere , the only ones I see who can profit from it becoming illegal is the thai police who can collect more bribes again ...
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