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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. At least he did not kill a whole thai family with his truck while driving drunk ...
  2. Sometimes I feel sorry for the average RTP policeman ... who will enforce this ...?
  3. Yes , right , crazy price . Maybe a chinese copy one day ...? But the idea and the design is good ...
  4. Should have covered the mangoes in the back ... may be next time ...? Lucky day for the monkeys ...
  5. I like EV's , but I do not want a rolling computer . I like to drive myself , do not want a car that tells me what I need to do . My wife has already taken that part ... Make simple , robust EV's with easily exchangeable batteries that can go all-terrain , I would be a buyer ... Like this one : https://evcentral.com.au/munro-mark-1-budget-electric-4x4-from-scotland-would-have-aussie-appeal/
  6. It is him , Srettha , who is the danger . But he is a laughing stock anyway ...
  7. The foreigner needs to be paraded naked and the thai officials ring the bells regularly and shout " Shame ...shame " ?
  8. This time foreigners need to protect Thai People . Masks are not meant to protect the one who wears them , but the one who does not need to wear them . This will help ... Tourists , stay away from Thailand , you are not welcome . Just send your money . Next is the body glove ... A version for the beach and a version for shopping ...
  9. Thailand really needs a submarine . Avery big one . Big enough that all members of the current government fit in . Then , go for a test dive .
  10. Tired about topics about Israel and the war , I can only say : Let the International court of Justice ( ICJ ) decide . These are professional judges , evidence will be gathered and a judgement will be delivered . I do not think that this judgement will influence Israel's decision in any way , but ... up to Israel ... they will need to live with the consequences . Sorry for the thousands of dead palestinian civilians , that certainly could have been avoided if there had been a will to do this . Just one more thing : Israel is in no way above criticism , and to call someone an ' antisemite ' because he , or she , dares to critizise Israel , is not correct .
  11. so , a foreigner did something good for a change ... Need more news like this ...
  12. If there is a god , he or she or it created the whole universe , not only our solar system , or galaxy . Can we agree on that ? What is it all good for than ? There are billions of galaxies , each having millions , sometimes billions of solar systems and habitable , ( liquid water ) , planets . Life is distributed throughout the universe by h2o , water . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_water It is the third most abundant molecule in the universe (behind molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide). There are billions of different lifeforms in the Universe , some becoming dominant on their specific planets . Like ours . Time enables evolution . All lifeforms evolve by selection ( natural or not ) . Evolution is the key and the answer to why we exist . Evolve to what ? Still too early for us to know ... we will know if we , ( our species ) , ever reach a stage of evolution , that enables us to understand the reason , the purpose of existence . One thing is certain : if we prevent our species from further evolution . ( by destroying the biosphere that we need to survive ) , we will just disappear as a species , nothing left , only pollution and a destroyed ecosystem ... like on planet Mars . We will be losers in the cosmic game of evolution then . Others will be more intelligent and survive without destroying their own planet . Only these species have a chance to discover more . So , is there a god or not ? Depends on your definition of god ... If there was a god who created the initial big bang 14 billion years ago , or if the big bang only was the sudden liberation of matter that existed , incredibly compressed , in a black hole ... we do not know , but some scientists say that there is more than just one universe , the universe may be just be a part of multiverses that constantly create new universes ... Anyway , a god that listens to your prayers ... most probably NOT . But , apart from the 4 dimensions known to us , there might be more that we do not know about . A fifth , a spiritual dimension is quite plausible , only we cannot measure this yet , as it is immaterial . May be the spiritual dimension ( astronomers dark matter and dark energy may have something to do with that ) , delivers some king of response to people who pray to god ...? But that is purely hypothetical . All you can do , if you want the survival of our species , is to act in a way that our planets badly damaged biosphere is recovering from what it's dominant species did to it . But the individual , ( YOU ) , is not surviving the lifetime that is defined by your genes and health . Your body will die and decompose or be burned . But , maybe , your spirit will be freed by your body's death , and go to the fifth dimension and become part of the big" gene pool " that may be out there .... Purely hypothetical again , of course ... Pray and believe in something good is certainly not bad ,but that alone won't change anything for the better ...
  13. There Isnogod . ( who would ever listen to your prayers )
  14. ilIegal entry ? of foreign origin ? begging for food ? Revoke their permission to stay ( Visa ) , and send them all to Switzerland . Monkey business .
  15. Yeah , stopped reading after I saw this .You can report it to the mod's , a double identity is not allowed here . I , personally , find your posts entertaining ad well written ... keep on ...
  16. Disgraceful ...? What the israeli government does is disgraceful . https://www.aljazeera.com/ Video shows un­armed men in Gaza shot dead, buried by Is­raeli bull­doz­er CAIR calls for UN probe of unarmed Palestinians killed by Israeli army Israeli attacks kills women, children in Rafah; famine threatens north Gaza: UN UN expert on Palestine says she has received threats over her work ‘Reasonable grounds’ to believe Israel committing ‘genocide’ Just from today ... CNN : https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2024/01/middleeast/gaza-hospitals-destruction-investigation-intl-cmd/ Israeli forces surround two more Gaza hospitals, Palestinian Red Crescent says Israeli military forced journalists and health workers to strip in Gaza hospital raid, eyewitnesses say https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses Fifty years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it controls these areas through repression, institutionalized discrimination, and systematic abuses of the Palestinian population’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today. At least five categories of major violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation: unlawful killings; forced displacement; abusive detention; the closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement; and the development of settlements, along with the accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/israel-and-palestine Israeli Detention, Torture, and Ill-Treatment of Palestinians Israeli authorities apply Israeli civil law to settlers but govern West Bank Palestinians under harsh military law. In so doing, they deny them basic due process and try them in military courts with a nearly 100 percent conviction rate against Palestinians. As of December 1, Israel held 7,677 Palestinians in custody for “security” offenses, according to Israeli Prison Services figures. This includes 200 Palestinian children, as of November 6, according to the Palestinian prisoner rights group Addameer. Israel incarcerates many Palestinians from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) inside Israel, complicating family visits and violating international humanitarian law’s prohibition against their transfer outside occupied territory. I am not pro palestinian , not pro israel either ... But when I see all the Israelies ( lies ) and their poor attempts to justify their genocidal actions , I start to think that they are have no empathy , no limits in their desire to destroy , to kill ... the same monsters as the Nazis were ... And now Nethanjahu , the liar , https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7A7201/ wants to finish the palestinian " occupation " of Gaza ... the " endloesung " , the palestinian holocaust . https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-settlements-gaza 'Cashing in on Genocide': Israeli Firm Pitches Beachfront Real Estate in Leveled Gaza "A house on the beach is not a dream," reads an advertisement from a company notorious for building in the occupied West Bank. Palestine defenders this week condemned a proposal by an Israeli real estate developer specializing in the construction of illegal settlements to build beachfront homes for Jewish colonists over the bombed-out ruins of Gaza. "A house on the beach is not a dream," reads an advertisement published by Harey Zahav—an Israeli company notorious for building settlements in the illegally occupied West Bank—that drew international attention following last week's Practical Preparation for Gaza Settlement Conference in Tel Aviv. The ad depicts an artist's rendering of luxury homes superimposed over an actual photograph of a Gaza neighborhood destroyed by Israeli attacks—which have killed nearly 20,000 people while displacing over 85% of the embattled strip's 2.3 million people since early October. pp I think , if Israel flattens Rafah with it's 1.5 mio refugees , then Israel should be sanctioned by the international community , just like Iran , Russia, North Korea .
  17. He should have told this to Nethanyahu directly . Nothing is forever ... The memory of the Holocaust will slowly fade away , overshadowed by the more recent atrocities ... Good , only a pity that the current israeli government does not apply this to the palestinians . So , stop the war NOW .
  18. Bad people . Fine them , confiscate their belongings , and jail them for a long time . Do not be soft with this kind of evil people .
  19. You tell your wife that you don't like her every day ...? That is something to avoid if you want to become a happy man .
  20. Sorry to hear that . Happiness lies deep within YOU . Just have to find it . If you are not happy now , it is probably because of all the things that annoy you here ... But , in every country there will be some things that are not right ... To be happy in life you have to ! , be independent ( financially as well ) , of other people ... do your own thing discreetly , without making big waves ... 2. Find a place with not too many people around . Try to enjoy every day , just ignore what prevents you from that ... 3. Find out what you really like and define what is valuable to you in life . And don't want too much . The times they are a changin' ... It is not like it once was anymore , nowhere . You can only adapt , not change that . Anyway , good luck to you , may you find true happiness ... ( not on the bottom of the bottle ...)
  21. Quality reporting as usual ... There was no BIG crime , no murder , theft or extreme violence ... Why this much noise ? This is Thailand . If something goes seriously wrong here , it is because proactive thinking is missing .
  22. All this started in Phuket . But Phuket is too packed with foreigners , tourists and longer staying Russians . There is no place left on the island . Sure , the locals want to earn money , they do this in the moment . Too many different nationalities and cultures packed together in a tight space creates tensions , that's clear ... So , who is at fault ? The politicians who welcomed tourists after locals complained about not earning enough money after Covid ? Or the locals who got much more farangs than they wanted ...? Be careful what you wish for . The Sri Lankan way to get rid of ( russian ) people is becoming more plausible every day ... https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-ukraine-tourists-sri-lanka-visas-whites-only-event-2024-2?op=1 Be careful what you wish for . Too many foreigners ... stress for locals , but enough money to be made . Much less foreigners ... not enough money , people will complain again ...
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